Original content: How Long Should Wedding Vows Be? Expert Advice
It can be difficult to writing vows sometimes. What do you write, and what do you leave out? And so, it is normal also when writing, to wonder, how long should wedding vows be? Usually, vows should be short, straight to the point and sweet. Keeping your vows at the right length can help you figure out what exactly to write.
How long are wedding vows supposed to be?
For each person, anything from 45 seconds to two minutes is an appropriate length for the exchanging vows.
Source: heirlumephotography
How long are short vows supposed to be?
If you will like for your own vows to be as short as possible, 45 to 60 seconds is a good length for short wedding vows.
How long should traditional vows be?
Traditional wedding vows are usually two minutes long when recited by the bride and groom together.
The Format of Saying Wedding Vows
Traditionally, when reciting their vows, the couple is required to hold hands. However, if reading your own vows, you could hold one hand, while holding your paper in the other hand.
Usually the groom reads his vows first, however, a couple can choose to recite their vows at the same time as led by the officiant.
After the vows have been read, then the rings are exchanged. This part can be included as part of the vows or made a separate part of the ceremony.
These tips should be helpful for anyone wondering how long should wedding vows be. It is usually best to keep them as short as possible, but if that does not work, then two minutes is the general limit. As a couple, you can also ask that your officiant read your vows ahead of time to help confirm that they are of a similar length.