Alex: Why don’t you have the balls to admit you are a Nazi? Why even pretend to be Leftist and use euphemisms like Alt Left and insult real Leftists using derisive terms. It seems even blatant neo-Nazis are better than a pretender like you. Change the avatar to Hitler, and be honest. Stop using those silly quotes and calling yourself a Leftist. You are an embarrassment to Marxism.
Actually I do not like Nazis at all. They’re killers and mass murderers, genocidal maniacs. The Hell with that! I had a Jewish girlfriend for 5 1/2 years. I was seriously thinking about converting to Judaism recently, but modern Judaism seems to tied up in Israel that I am dubious whether I should do this. If they could sever Israel from Judaism like the gangrenous tissue that it is, I would have no problem converting. I would be one of those evil self-haters like Chomsky though. That would be such a kick. Plus then the parentheses around my name would be real! Wow, that would feel so great!
I do not like White Supremacists or White Nationalists that much, although guys like Rabbit are tolerable. They all voted Trump this time around, so I ended every friendship I had with these types. I simply do not agree with being this racist. It’s not ok. And a White state is absurd. The Hell with saving the White race. Who cares!
This is about it. I get mails like this from these guys just about every day. Most liberals react about the same way. Honestly, leftwingers hate me much more than conservatives. I am actually banned from some major liberal websites and at others, there are even bans on linking to me. These tend to be sites run by the base of the ((((Democratic Party))).
Conservatives’ politics are horrific, but mostly they are quite nice to me and a lot of them are very pleasant people, politics aside. Quite a few of them have been very friendly to me, especially Alt Right types. I’m not really wild about racists and Nazis, but at least they are pleasant. Conservatives are generally much nicer to me than leftwingers. Leftwingers generally believe I need to be shot or put in a gulag. That’s probably true, but I’d prefer to avoid the NKVD for the remainder of my life if I could.
This is actually one of the flagship Alt Left sites. Rabbit and I pretty much founded the movement. Rabbit takes the race thing a lot further than I do, but I am critical of the Sexual Anarchy crowd and Gender Feminism. Rabbit thinks Gay Rights is getting out of hand now too, and he doesn’t like feminazis much either, but he’s into the race thing a lot deeper than I am. I am just a race realist, and I don’t even talk about that very much.