How It Ends (2018) Review

Posted on the 22 July 2018 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

When a mysterious apocalyptic event occurs Will Younger does everything possible to get back to his pregnant girlfriend Samantha. Teaming up with her father Tom they travel across the country facing plenty of issues a long the way.

The film doesn't really mess around and the event happens pretty quickly which leaves all electronic devices unable to find a connection. As this happens Will was on the phone to Samantha and he could hear the panic in her voice before the phone cut off. He was in the airport waiting to fly back from Chicago to Seattle, obviously when this event happened flights were cancelled. This led Will back to her father Tom who he had a disagreement with the day before. He was not going to allow his daughter to be alone and they set off on the worst kind of road trip.

Panic had well and truly set in across the towns and states making the drive extremely dangerous and the need for fuel and stealing fuel the top priority for people trying to get anywhere. This is what we see a lot of for Will and Tom. The main issue with the film is that it leaves way too many questions unanswered, how did this happen and what exactly is it?

Something that I thought we would find out in a very clear way, but I guess that was not meant to be. In all honesty I cannot really imagine very many people watching this as I don't imagine it has very good reviews as it is very weak from start to finish. Such a shame really with Forest Whitaker taking a big role and a chance for Theo James to be the lead, but he wasn't exactly amazing or even very good.

We get another character Ricki who spends a short amount of time with the pair, all for money to fix the car if they had any problems with it. In the state of an apocalypse this film does not offer a very nice view of how people would react and then treat each other. Not wanting to help others out and very much being all for just themselves. Maybe similar to the fight or flight theory and that is what happens in this true state of shock. It seemed to get rather predictable that something else was going to happen when the night crept in during the driving. With majority of the action taking place within or around the car.

Not really enough substance for this one and a pretty weak Netflix Orignal to be brutally honest, which was a shame as the trailer made it look interesting enough. I just spent the whole time wondering what caused whatever the event was? I hope I am not the only one, so if you have put yourself through watching this one I would really liken to hear your thoughts on this film as well. For me it was just lacking too many things, the characters weren't really built up very well and when you only have two characters for the majority of the time I wanted to see more development with them.