The terrorists in jail who escaped last week planned their escape and worked to it, reportedly, for about a year and a half. I must say, that is pretty impressive. They probably tracked the guards' patterns in addition to paying attention to the level of security and technology, and in addition to actually planning and working on digging the tunnel. Impressive in some way.
All that work for a year and a half or so, and they just figured once they get out they'll figure out the rest. Yehiye beseder. it will all work out, it will be ok. They did not have anyone on the outside helping them, they did not have arrangements on the outside for a hiding place or for someone to pick them up and sneak them across a border or for someone to bring them supplies.
Yihiye beseder. We'll figure it out, it will all work out.
They were caught, 4 pf them so far, wandering around, diving in garbage cans for food, sleeping in parking lots and olive groves. They wandered through several Arab towns looking for assistance and sleeping quarters but nobody helped, and people reported them to the authorities. They tried to hitch rides but nobody would pick them up.
While the planning of the prison portion of the escape might have been impressive, the planning of the part after the escape shows how Israeli they really were. Yihiye beseder. It will all work out.
I guess the Palestinians have some Israeli traits. (or is it the opposite?)
Yihiye Beseder. Yeah, sometimes it will be, and sometimes it won't be.
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