How i Know Brett Will Be a Good Dad.

By Agadd @ashleegadd

We had just sat down at a table at Marilyn’s, excited for the Tyrone Wells concert to start. I was wearing a little blue tunic, leggings, and my favorite black boots—feeling slightly cuter than my usual 8.5 month pregnant self. Despite the giant belly bump grazing the edge of our table, it felt like a real date. I smiled at Brett and told him I wanted to splurge on a fancy drink, like a diet cherry coke. He ordered one for each of us.

The opening act started and I moved my chair closer to Brett’s, grabbing his hand under the table.

“Are you okay?” he asked me.


He looked at my belly, concerned.

“Do you think it’s too loud in here for him?”

I laughed. “No. He’s pretty well insulated.”

For the remainder of the concert I caught him stealing peeks at my belly, his eyes full of worry. I kept smiling, reassuring him that the baby was dancing and having a great time at his first concert.

Two hours later we walked out into the crisp cool air, raving about the show and laughing at the memory of the drunk cougar’s awesome dance moves. As we crossed K Street, Brett looked at my belly once again with anxious eyes.

“I’m just REALLY worried about his ears right now.”

I smiled.

….and that my friends, is how I know Brett will be a good dad.

On a related note, please enjoy this short video of Tyrone yodeling. Yes, I said yodeling…