How I Increased My Backlinks With Just One Post !

Posted on the 27 May 2016 by Nitishk

When it comes to blog traffic then backlinks play a vital role in bringing traffic to a blog. So this means that backlinks are really important for any blog to get more traffic and rankings but how to gain them ? I've already posted an article about why you should write big posts rather than more which explains clearly that writing more posts is not useful for your blog in any sense and many bloggers still follow this which don't help them to rank in search engines.
So here is my trick which i used to increase this blog's backlinks only through one post -

Are Backlinks Really Important ?

If you'll ask me then i'll say Yes ! Cause backlinks determines that your blog is truly interlinkable and shows your blog's reputation to others. Backlinks can help you make more readers for your blog without actually doing nothing.So gaining backlinks is a must task for every blogger to gain more traffic and reputation for his blog.

Can One Increase Backlinks With Just Single Post ?

Oh common.. Then why will i post an article with the same title (which you're reading) ? .

Gaining backlinks requires hard work in writing brilliant posts which means that if you write only a single bombing post then it will help you get many backlinks as the readers who are going to give you a backlink know that this post is truly interlinkable and they'll not hesitate in giving you a backlink for free. If you repeat the same step with other posts also then i'm sure that your blog will rank high in search engines in just few days ! So content plays a vital role in bringing backlinks to a blog.

So the main key is to start writing a content which attracts visitors not search engines and you'll automatically start getting backlinks.

So How Did I Increased My Backlinks With Just One Post ?

If you're a loyal reader here then you must have gone through a project called MBA Contact Form , which is an excellent contact form made for bloggers to get emails to them easily.

MBA Contact Form Is All In One Contact Form For Bloggers , Which Is Fast , Light , Beautiful And Most Important Responsive Too !

So if you've not used that contact form then surely try it.

Ya this widget has given a lots of traffic to this blog and backlinks and subscribers. But how ?

As I said above that you nedd to create a bombing post and this one comes into the category , not as it is a big one but also as it is useful to many.Also the form has a plus sign which gives this blog a dofollow backlink from various blog's (Backlink for my hard work) and that's what this post title says ! This is one of the best post of this blog which has given me many backlinks not just through the contact form itself but mention backlinks also.

So this widget is just like a forever backlink making machine for my blog as the blog will start gaining more and more traffic , more users will come and use this widget so i'll get more backlinks through them.

What This Exactly Means ?

So now you might be thinking that if you don't create widgets , then how'll you make backlinks ?

The answer is simple as you just need to take a inspiration for the post and try to make a post which is truly helpful for your visitors.You don't need to make beautiful widgets and plugins to get backlinks but you need to make posts which are equally helpful to your readers then you'll automatically start gaining backlinks.

Which means that you need to create content which is equally likely to help them as if you create a plugin for them.

Suppose if you are having a cooking blog (it might be a fact !) and you usually post recipes about dishes in it then you'll probably not get backlinks in it as those posts are available on thousands of blog but if you write posts like - "Best Tips To Decorate Pizza" then it will surely give you more backlinks as people will truly love it (Even Me , Yum !) and think to share those tips to their family members and friends which will give you more backlinks and readers.

So after reading the example you must've understood that you don't need to create plugins and templates and widgets to gain backlinks but you need to make equally likable content for your blog.

Need Any Help ?

So this was like my secret trick which i used to gain more backlinks for this blog and it did so !

Hope you understood the trick and must share it to your friends. Until then subscribe us for regular updates.

BTW did you have any post which ranked the same like the one i mentioned ? If yes , then do let me know about it.

Happy Blogging And Good Luck :)