How Grey’s Anatomy Died

By Franziska @bloodystrangerx

#WARNING# If you want to catch up with grey's anatomy or haven't seen that much, you'll better NOT read this post!

Because I can't write it down (I may explode or use very bad language) I'll show you. After Izzie leaving and George dying it was hard for me to continue but I was already drugged and had no control over my rational part of the brain.

1. Lexie Grey & Mark Sloan ("McSteamy")

They started well - I fell for them.

"... Yeah, you like me? I'm going to die."

... and here we go: The first time I wanted to do very bad things to Shonda Rhimes.

2 people killed.The 2 most interesting people on the show (or at least the funniest besides Christina) Well done, Shonda Rhimes, well done.

2. Mark Sloan & Derek Sheppard

"... because he died and I can't do funny things with him anymore."

" You really had to die with Lexie, hadn't you? "

3. Owen Hunt & Christina Yang

"We'll waste so many seasons on Christina & Owen, because Shonda Rhimes knows, that they'll never end up together. Isn't that fun?"


4. Meredith & Christina

"Staying friend forever? Haha, good one. I'll leave the show and you'll be dark and twisted as ever, Mer."

FINALLY 5. Meredith and Derek

"I wish, I hadn't said that. Seriously".

"I'll die in a stupid car accident because grey's became boring. Cheers, Sweetheart!"


"...because grey's anatomy died long before the last terrible death of another main character."