How FAST Things Change on the Internet

Posted on the 01 June 2011 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330

It is hard to believe that this is only 25 months ago that My Space was well ahead of Facebook! How quickly things can change in only 25 months.

So what will be dramatically different 25 months from now in July 2013? Are you preparing your marketing tactics to take advantage.

Here’s a few guesses:

1) Smart Phone Marketing
2) QR code Readers everywhere
3) ______ website will dramatically fade like MySpace has done in the last few years.
4) _________ what’s your best guess?

Leave a message in the comments!!

Before you venture a guess – Take a look at The latests posting from HitwiseTop Ten Social Media Networking Sites and notice how much YouTube and Facebook have blown the others out of the water. I look at this and wonder why I even bother with Twitter. I still like LinkedIn however. Love LinkedIn matter of fact.