How Fast Does a Scooter Go? Scooter Speed Guide

Posted on the 21 October 2023 by Georges87

Whether you’re considering purchasing a scooter or already own one, one question that often arises is, “How fast does a scooter go?”

Understanding scooter speed is crucial for making informed decisions about your ride and ensuring your safety on the road.

In this post, I will dig deeper into the world of scooter speeds, exploring the factors and variables that affect their performance.

I will cover different types of scooters and their average speeds, as well as provide insights into how to increase your scooter’s speed through modifications, proper maintenance, and riding techniques.

Table of Contents

So, How Fast Does a Scooter Go? – Average Speeds

Scooters come in various types, each designed for specific purposes and offering different speed capabilities.

By understanding the speed range of each scooter type, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right scooter for your needs.

Electric Scooters Speeds

Electric scooters are powered by rechargeable batteries and offer a quiet and smooth ride. The average speed of electric scooters can vary depending on factors such as motor power, battery capacity, and weight.

Generally, most electric scooters have an average top speed range of 20 miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour).

However, it’s important to note that some high-performance electric scooters can reach speeds of 30 to 40 miles per hour (48 to 64 kilometers per hour) or even higher.

Gas-Powered Scooters Speeds

Gas-powered scooters, also known as motor scooters, offer higher speeds and longer ranges compared to electric scooters.

Their speeds vary with engine sizes/capacities:

  • Small 50cc scooters (mopeds) have average speeds of between 30 mph (48 km/h) and 35 mph (56 km/h).
  • Mid-sized 150cc scooters can average between 50 mph (80 km/h) and 55 mph (88km/h). With a long enough run at it, they may get up to 60+ mph (96 km/h), especially if there’s a tailwind or slight downhill grade.
  • Larger scooters, up to 250cc, can reach higher top speeds. A 250cc scooter can reach 75 mph (120 km/h).

Related: Where to Buy a Scooter

Mobility Scooters Speeds

Mobility scooters are designed to provide assistance and independence for individuals with mobility challenges.

These scooters typically have lower speed ranges to prioritize safety and stability. Average speeds for mobility scooters typically range from 4 to 8 miles per hour (6 to 13 km/h).

However, it’s important to note that some models may offer higher speeds depending on their design and intended use.

Kick Scooters Speeds

Kick scooters, also known as push scooters, are manually propelled scooters that require the rider to push off the ground to generate forward motion.

Kick scooters typically have lower average speeds compared to electric or gas-powered scooters. The average speed of a kick scooter is between 5 mph and 15 mph, which is considerably faster than walking and running.

The speed of a kick scooter can vary depending on several factors, including the rider’s fitness level, the terrain, and the quality of the scooter.

Related: How Much is a Scooter?

Factors that Affect a Scooter’s Speed

When it comes to understanding scooter speeds, there are several factors and variables that come into play.

These elements can greatly influence how fast a scooter can go and determine its overall performance on the road.

Some of these factors include:

  • Engine Power and Type: Scooters can be powered by either electric or gas engines, with each type offering different performance characteristics. Electric scooters generally have lower top speeds compared to gas-powered scooters, as their motors typically have lower wattage or horsepower. On the other hand, gas-powered scooters can provide higher speeds due to their combustion engines, which offer greater power output.
  • Motor Efficiency: A more efficient motor can convert energy from the fuel or battery into motion more effectively, allowing the scooter to achieve higher speeds. Factors such as motor design, quality of components, and technological advancements can contribute to improved motor efficiency.
  • Weight of the Scooter: Heavier scooters may require more power to accelerate and maintain higher speeds, while lighter scooters can achieve faster acceleration and potentially higher top speeds. The materials used in the scooter’s construction, such as aluminum or steel, can influence its weight.
  • Aerodynamics: Scooters with sleek and streamlined designs are more likely to achieve higher speeds compared to those with bulkier and less aerodynamic bodies. Factors such as fairings, windshields, and body shape can all contribute to the overall aerodynamics of a scooter.
  • Tire Size and Type: Larger diameter tires generally allow for higher speeds due to the increased circumference and better ground contact. Additionally, the type of tire, such as slick or knobby, can affect traction and rolling resistance, ultimately influencing the scooter’s speed capabilities.
  • Battery Life and Capacity (for electric scooters): Scooters with larger and higher-capacity batteries can provide more power to the motor, enabling faster speeds and longer ranges. On the other hand, scooters with lower battery capacities may have limitations on speed and range.
  • Regulatory Restrictions and Limitations: Different countries, states, or cities may impose speed limits for scooters, especially for certain areas or specific types of scooters. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements and restrictions in your area to ensure compliance and safe riding.
  • Terrain: Scooters generally perform better on smooth, flat surfaces like asphalt roads. On uneven or hilly terrains, the speed might decrease due to increased resistance. Steep inclines can slow down a scooter significantly, while downhill slopes can naturally increase the speed.
  • Rider’s weight: Scooters have weight limits specified by manufacturers. If a rider exceeds the recommended weight limit, the scooter’s motor has to work harder to move the extra weight, which can result in reduced speed and decreased overall performance. Lighter riders may experience slightly higher speeds compared to heavier riders on the same scooter under similar conditions. (If you’re plus size consider a scooter for 300 lbs)
  • Weather conditions: Riding against strong headwinds can slow down the scooter, making it harder for the motor to maintain higher speeds. Similarly, rain or wet surfaces can decrease traction, affecting acceleration and overall speed.


Understanding scooter speed and the various factors that influence it is important for every scooter rider.

Remember, always prioritize safety and adhere to local laws and regulations. Ride responsibly, stay alert, and enjoy the thrill of the open road on your scooter while keeping both yourself and others safe.

I hope my post has satisfactorily answered the question: How Fast Does a Scooter Go?