How Entrepreneurs Can Use Vine Videos To “Vinetune” Their Startups

Posted on the 25 July 2013 by Adeyemiadisa @adeyemiadisa

Vine or Vine Video is another online tool entrepreneurs can use for their business promotion. Since Vine, Twitter’s video-looping service was launched in January, entrepreneurs, marketers and the media have considered Vine a new way of marketing.

As an entrepreneur or a small business owner, are you ready to experiment with this new awesome mobile service?

Ready to create and share six-second videos with your social media fans and grow Vine followers?

Entrepreneurs and small business owners of all kinds have been using Vine to market as well as to build and promote brand loyalty.

The startup-produced Vine videos that have surfaced so far run the gamut, from showcasing products to offering sneak-peeks of the daily office grind.

How entrepreneurs and businesses can use Vine videos

Entrepreneurs and business should be on Vine not just because of the fact that it’s the next “big thing”, but also for what it offers that other social media platforms don’t offer. Just like YouTube, Vine offers a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs to reach out to millions of people globally through a clip of video.

Business can hugely benefit from using Vine because it now sort of strips down advertisements and puts it in the hands of the people. Vine is like a big sandbox where you can create things and get feedback on them instantly.

Below are some ways entrepreneurs can use Vine app.

1). Vine video as crowd-funding pitch videos

Are you working on a new startup and you need funding to support it? Getting money from a crowd-funding site is not as easy as some people might have thought. You will have to make really good efforts to convince potential investors to invest in your project. This is exactly where pitch videos can help.

When it comes to crowd funding, it’s just like baseball — you can’t play ball without a pitch. The pitch video is the face of your campaign where you will be expected to deliver vital information about your project.

Some people have argued that Vine video is too short to enable would-be investors to have a proper understanding of the investment. But on the other hand, some investors might even find your Vine video highly interesting depending on how creative the entrepreneur is.

Entrepreneurs can use Vine to creatively make a pitch video about their new startup in an attempt to get potential investors to invest in their business. Even if your startup has been around for a quite long time, you can still use pitch video to reach out to potential investors.

2). Vine video as product demos

If you are launching a new product or you just want to demonstrate how your products work, entrepreneurs can also use Vine for product demos. So far, product demos seem to be one of the most common business use cases on Vine. After all, video is an ideal medium for showcasing products in use.

Quite lots of businesses have already benefited from using Vine to showcase their latest products as well as products on sales. It is a fun way to reach out to people – your potential customers.

So if you have got a product-oriented startup, you can use this amazing new service to showcase what you have and allow people to have an idea of your business.

3). Vine video as service or product promotional videos

There is no better way for entrepreneurs to promote their services or products than through social media. Why? Because social media gives you access to millions of people globally – even in a remote corner of the globe. The potential of social media in helping entrepreneur reach out to potential customers is phenomenon.

And now with a Vine clip, it even gets better for entrepreneurs to stand a great chance of getting people to develop interests in their services or products.

Any serious entrepreneur will grab the opportunity presented by this new Twitter’s video-looping service and make use of it to their own maximum benefits.

4). Vine video as adverts and promotional video

What makes Vine stands out is the fact that it gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to showcase their creativity. Marketers and entrepreneurs can now make use of Vine to create a short promotional video and get it shared across all the social media platforms.

I remember when my friends of mine were telling me about Vine, I first thought it’s another website for video sharing. Vine has been gradually transformed from being a video-creating app to a social network, and with access to millions of people on this “social media”, entrepreneurs and marketers can tap into the huge potentials it offered.

Vine is like video art with quite lots of people doing incredible things on it. But remember your Vine video should be created in a way that it’s fun, exciting and above all, rewatchable. It can’t just be a bland, soulless commercial.

Advice to entrepreneurs and business using Vine

Remember that Vine is all about creativity, excitement and fun, therefore, make sure you are creative and add bit of fun to your Vine video clip.

Also, ensure that you understand or at least know that your audience is smart and respect them. The more you treat people like friends and the more you respect your audience and know who they are, the better your entire experience will be.

A lot of brands and large corporations are clueless dinosaurs when it comes to Vine and connection with consumers. If you’re going to make a Vine for a company, make sure it’s a Vine video that serves its purpose – creativity, excitement and fun.

However, keep it clean, don’t share profanity and improper content. Always make sure that your Vine video is clean and suitable for kids because the reality is that there are children on Vine. You wouldn’t want to offend some people with your Vine video, would you?

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