How Elearning Can Benefit Your Organization

Posted on the 06 April 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

This infographic by explains what elearning means for organizations and covers all the major benefits including stats of how online training has helped companies grow. E-learning simply means learning via internet, videos, webinars or online presentations. Unlike classroom programs, your instructor might not be present physically but can assist you virtually. Today corporate companies are deploying elearning infrastructure to on-board new employees and train existing employees about various safety and HR courses.

Some of the major benefits of elearning are bulk training, reduced spending, updated teaching material, custom courses and more engaged audience.
A major example of elearning is how British telecom saved over £10 million when they switched to elearning over conventional classroom training. E-learning keeps employees motivated as a lot of interactive activities like gamification, storytelling can be included in this format which is not possible in conventional classroom programs. This makes employee training much more engaging and meaningful for your staff.

Image Source: Coggno