A lot of dog owners are not aware of the many benefits that CBD oil has. In fact, many owners do not know that it is safe and legal for the usage with dogs. CBD oil can be used to benefit dogs in many ways as well as help improve their health. A huge advantage of cbd oil for dogs is that it has been shown through studies to be harmless even when taken in large quantities. The following is a rundown of different ways dogs can benefit from CBD oil;
Alleviates pain
CBD oil contains cannabinoids which has been proven by studies to help alleviate pain in dogs. Also, some scientists are considering to use it entirely for treatment of chronic pain. It has been shown to treat pain related to neuropathy, inflammation, and intestinal inflammation among others.
Reduces anxiety
CBD oil has also been proven to reduce anxiety in dogs. If your dog has noise phobias or suffers from any form of anxiety, then consider buying CBD oil as a form of addressing the problem. It has also been said to reduce anxiety in humans who suffer from anxiety, especially public speaking, panic disorders and other anxiety disorders.
Treats seizures and epilepsy
Most of the time, dogs that suffer from epilepsy are either given potassium bromide or phenobarbital. On the upside, the drugs used are usually effective but on the downside, they can have harmful side effects on organs like the liver. Studies have also proven that CBD oil works well with drug-resistant epilepsy. A study done on children with drug-resistant epilepsy showed that there was a decrease in the frequency of seizures on 84% of the children while an independent study revealed a definite improvement on 7 out of the 8 patients who suffered from drug-resistant epilepsy as well.
Can fight cancer
CBD oil contains properties that have been said to increase tumor cell death and also helps to stop cancer cells from growing. One of the ways it works to fight cancer is that it blocks the cancer cell's ability to produce energy hence killing them. Several studies done on CBD oil and cancer have proven its efficacy in cancer treatment and this is a good way to help fight cancer.
Increases appetite
If you have been having trouble trying to get your dog to eat then try giving it CBD to get its appetite back. More studies done on CBD have shown its ability to increase appetite. In addition to increasing appetite, CBD has been said to reduce nausea and vomiting.
Boosts immune system
A great way to boost your puppy's immune system is through CBD oil. It has been said to contain antioxidants which are helpful in a dog's immune health. It helps increase necessary vitamins and minerals which also help fight diseases and infections.
Protects the coat and skin
The cannabinoids found in CBD oil also help to protect the dog's fur and skin and this goes a long way to preventing potential allergies as well as infections. It also helps to reduce shedding of fur and irritations and aids achieve a luscious coat.