How Do You Get Urine Smell Out Of Clothes?

Posted on the 24 December 2023 by Betty T. Edwards Betty

To get urine smell out of clothes, soak the affected area in a mixture of white vinegar and water. Getting rid of urine smell from clothes can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it’s possible to eliminate the odor effectively.

Whether it’s a toddler’s bedwetting accident or a pet’s mishap, urine stains and odors can be stubborn to remove. The key is to act quickly and use the right products and techniques. This article provides simple yet effective strategies to get urine smell out of clothes.

By following these steps, you can restore your garments to their fresh and odor-free state, ensuring they are ready to be used or worn again.


The Causes Of Urine Smell In Clothes

Learn how to effectively remove urine smell from clothes by understanding the causes behind it. Discover simple tips and tricks to keep your clothes fresh and odor-free.

Has the unpleasant odor of urine invaded your favorite clothes? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Urine smell in clothes can be quite a nuisance to deal with, but before we dive into the solution, let’s explore the common reasons behind this unwanted scent. By understanding the causes, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the issue head-on.

Common Reasons For Urine Smell In Clothes

There are several factors that contribute to the presence of urine smell in clothes. Whether it’s an accident, a pet marking its territory, or even the occasional bedwetting incident, understanding the underlying causes helps in preventing future mishaps. Here are some common reasons:

  1. Accidental spills: Sometimes, accidents happen and urine can end up on our clothes. Whether it’s due to a toddler’s potty training journey or an accidental splatter, urine spills are a common cause of unpleasant odors.
  2. Pet accidents: Our furry friends can occasionally have accidents indoors, leaving their distinct smell on our clothes. This is often due to territorial marking or a moment of incontinence.
  3. Bedwetting: For children and even some adults, bedwetting can occur during sleep, leading to urine seeping into the bedding and clothing.
  4. Incontinence issues: Certain medical conditions can cause individuals to experience involuntary urine leakage, which can result in clothing absorbing the odor.

How Urine Smell Lingers In Fabric

When urine comes into contact with fabric, its compounds can penetrate deep within the fibers, making it challenging to remove the odor completely. Understanding how urine smell lingers in fabric allows us to adopt appropriate cleaning methods. Here’s how it happens:

Urine CompoundAbsorption in Fabric

UreaReadily absorbed by fabric, contributing to the pungent smell that lingers even after washing.

UrobilinAlso absorbed by fabric and can leave a yellowish stain, especially when mixed with ammonia.

AmmoniaKnown for its strong and lingering odor, ammonia often accompanies urine smell and can bond with fabric fibers.

Now that we have a deeper understanding of the causes and how urine smell persists in clothes, we can move on to the solutions for effectively eliminating that stubborn odor.

Pre-treatment Methods To Remove Urine Smell

Blotting And Rinsing The Affected Area

When it comes to removing urine smell from clothes, time is of the essence. The quicker you act, the better chance you have of completely eliminating the odor. Start by blotting the affected area with a clean cloth or paper towel to remove any excess urine. Be careful not to rub the stain, as this can make it spread and further embed the odor into the fabric.

Once the excess urine has been blotted, it’s essential to rinse the area with cold water. This will help dilute the urine and flush out any remaining residue. Hold the clothing under a steady stream of cold water, ensuring that the water is flowing from the inside out to effectively remove the odor-causing particles.

Using Enzymatic Cleaners

If blotting and rinsing alone are not enough to eliminate the urine smell, it may be necessary to use enzymatic cleaners. These cleaners contain specially formulated enzymes that break down the urine molecules, effectively neutralizing the odor.

To use an enzymatic cleaner, start by reading the manufacturer’s instructions for proper dilution and application. Apply the cleaner directly to the stained area, ensuring that it saturates the fabric. Allow the cleaner to sit for the recommended amount of time, typically around 10-15 minutes, to allow the enzymes to work their magic.

After the designated waiting period, rinse the clothing thoroughly with cold water to remove the enzymatic cleaner and any remaining urine particles. It’s essential to thoroughly rinse the fabric, as any leftover cleaner can leave a residue that may contribute to future odor issues.

Remember, when treating urine-smelling clothes, it’s important to follow these pre-treatment methods to ensure the best chance of completely eliminating the odor. By promptly blotting and rinsing the affected area and utilizing enzymatic cleaners when necessary, you can say goodbye to that pesky urine smell and enjoy fresh-smelling clothes once again.

Washing Strategies For Eliminating Urine Odor

If you’ve ever dealt with urine odor on clothes, you know how persistent and unpleasant it can be. Luckily, there are effective washing strategies that can help eliminate the smell and leave your clothes fresh and clean. In this article, we’ll explore three powerful methods to tackle urine odor: choosing the right laundry detergent, adding vinegar or baking soda to the wash, and using a laundry booster. Let’s dive in!

Choosing The Right Laundry Detergent

When it comes to eliminating urine odor, selecting the right laundry detergent can make a significant difference. Opt for a detergent with enzymes specifically designed to break down and remove organic stains and odors. Enzymes are biological molecules that target and break down the chemical compounds responsible for the unpleasant urine smell. Look for detergents labeled “enzyme-based” or “stain and odor remover.”

Additionally, consider using a detergent that has a fresh scent, like lemon or lavender, as it can help mask any residual urine odor. To ensure optimal results, follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding dosage and water temperature. Remember, choosing the right laundry detergent is the first step towards banishing urine odor from your clothes.

Adding Vinegar Or Baking Soda To The Wash

Vinegar and baking soda are two powerful natural ingredients that can help neutralize urine odor and eliminate it from your clothes. Here’s how you can use them:

VinegarBaking Soda

  • Fill a basin or sink with one part white vinegar and two parts water.
  • Soak the urine-affected clothes in the vinegar solution for about 30 minutes.
  • After soaking, drain the basin and rinse the clothes thoroughly with cold water.
  • Before starting the wash cycle, sprinkle one cup of baking soda directly onto the urine-soiled clothing.
  • Add your regular amount of laundry detergent.
  • Wash the clothes as usual.

Both vinegar and baking soda are known for their odor-neutralizing properties, and incorporating them into your laundry routine can help eliminate lingering urine smells effectively.

Using A Laundry Booster

In addition to choosing the right laundry detergent and leveraging the power of vinegar or baking soda, using a laundry booster can provide an extra level of odor-fighting prowess. Laundry boosters are specially formulated products that help eliminate stubborn smells by neutralizing odor-causing molecules.

Look for laundry boosters specifically designed to combat urine odor. These boosters typically contain enzymes and active ingredients that directly target and break down the compounds responsible for the smell. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the appropriate amount of booster to add to your wash load and enjoy fresh-smelling clothes.

To recap, eliminating urine odor from clothes requires strategic washing techniques. Choosing the right laundry detergent, incorporating vinegar or baking soda, and using a laundry booster can all work together to banish unpleasant smells and leave your clothes odor-free. Give these washing strategies a try, and say goodbye to urine odor for good!

Additional Tips For Removing Urine Smell From Clothes

Eliminating urine smell from clothes is easier with these additional tips. Use white vinegar in the wash or soak the clothes in a mixture of water and baking soda before laundering. Regularly check for lingering odor to ensure complete removal.

Sun-drying The Clothes

Sun-drying your clothes is another effective way to remove urine smell. The UV rays from the sun not only help to naturally bleach and disinfect the fabric but also eliminate unpleasant odors. Here’s how you can sun-dry your clothes to get rid of urine smell:

1. Find a sunny spot: Choose an area in your yard or balcony that receives direct sunlight for most of the day. Make sure it is a clean and dry space where your clothes can hang freely.

2. Pre-treat the stains: Before sun-drying, it’s important to treat any visible urine stains on the clothes. You can use a gentle stain remover or a mixture of water and vinegar to tackle the stains.

3. Hang the clothes properly: Hang the clothes on a clothesline or drying rack, ensuring they are evenly spaced for maximum exposure to the sun. If possible, turn the clothes inside out to allow the sun’s rays to reach the inner layers of the fabric.

4. Leave them to dry: Let the clothes dry in the sun for several hours or until they are completely dry. The sunlight will not only help to remove the urine smell but also freshen up the fabric, leaving it smelling clean and odor-free. Remember to bring the clothes indoors before sunset to prevent them from getting exposed to dew or moisture.

Using Odor-neutralizing Sprays

In addition to sun-drying, using odor-neutralizing sprays can be a great way to eliminate stubborn urine smell from clothes. These sprays work by neutralizing the odor molecules instead of simply masking them. Follow these steps to effectively use an odor-neutralizing spray:

1. Choose the right spray: Look for an odor-neutralizing spray that is specifically formulated to eliminate urine smells from clothes. Ensure that it is safe to use on the particular fabric you’re treating.

2. Spot test: Before applying the spray to the entire garment, do a spot test on an inconspicuous area of the fabric to ensure it doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage. Allow the test area to dry completely and check for any adverse effects.

3. Spray the affected area: Spray the odor-neutralizing spray directly onto the areas of the clothing that have absorbed the urine smell. Make sure you cover the entire affected area and allow the spray to penetrate the fabric.

4. Air dry or tumble dry: After applying the spray, you have the option to either air dry the clothes or tumble dry them in a dryer. If you choose to air dry, hang the clothes in a well-ventilated area until they are completely dry. If using a dryer, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the appropriate heat and drying time.

Remember to always check the care label on your clothes for any specific instructions or restrictions before using any odor-neutralizing sprays. This will help ensure the best results without damaging the fabric.

Preventing Urine Smell In Clothes

Preventing urine smell in clothes is essential for maintaining hygiene and freshness. Whether you’re dealing with bed-wetting incidents, potty training, or accidents from pets, a urine odor can linger on clothes if not properly handled. By promoting good bathroom habits and ensuring proper storage and washing techniques, you can eliminate urine smells and keep your clothes smelling clean and fresh.

Promoting Good Bathroom Habits

By promoting good bathroom habits, you can minimize accidents and reduce the chances of urine odor in clothes. Here are some tips:

  • Encourage regular bathroom breaks: Encouraging regular bathroom breaks throughout the day can help prevent accidents and reduce the likelihood of urine odors in clothes.
  • Establish a nighttime routine: Make sure to establish a nighttime routine that includes a last bathroom break before bed to avoid overnight accidents.
  • Provide easy access to bathrooms: Ensure that bathrooms are easily accessible, especially for children or elderly individuals who may have difficulty reaching the bathroom in time.
  • Offer positive reinforcement: Reinforce good bathroom habits by praising and rewarding individuals for using the bathroom correctly.

Properly Storing And Washing Clothes

Properly storing and washing clothes is crucial in eliminating urine smells and preventing them from returning. Here’s how you can ensure your clothes stay fresh:

  1. Quick action is key: If you notice urine on your clothes, act quickly to prevent the odor from setting in. Rinse the affected area with cold water as soon as possible.
  2. Separate urine-soiled clothes: Separate urine-soiled clothes from the rest of your laundry to prevent the odor from transferring.
  3. Use a pre-treatment solution: Before washing, apply a pre-treatment solution or stain remover specifically designed for urine odors to the affected areas.
  4. Choose the right detergent: Use a high-quality laundry detergent that is suitable for removing tough stains and odors.
  5. Wash in hot water: Washing urine-soiled clothes in hot water helps in killing bacteria and removing any lingering smell.
  6. Don’t skip the drying step: Avoid leaving urine-soiled clothes damp for extended periods. Ensure they are thoroughly dried before storing them.

By following these simple steps and incorporating good bathroom habits into your daily routine, you can effectively prevent urine smell in clothes. Remember, quick action and proper cleaning techniques are essential for maintaining fresh-smelling clothes that are free from urine odors.



Frequently Asked Questions For How Do You Get Urine Smell Out Of Clothes?

How Do You Get Human Urine Smell Out Of Clothes?

To remove human urine smell from clothes, first rinse the affected area with cold water. Then, soak the clothes in a mixture of water and vinegar or baking soda for about 30 minutes. After soaking, wash the clothes with laundry detergent and vinegar or baking soda, and let them air dry.

What Neutralizes The Smell Of Urine?

Baking soda or vinegar can neutralize the smell of urine. Spread baking soda over the affected area, let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum it up. To use vinegar, dilute it with water and spray it onto the affected area, then blot it dry.

What Product Removes Urine Smell From Clothes?

A urine odor remover can effectively eliminate the smell from clothes.

What Laundry Detergent Is Best For Urine Odor?

For urine odor, the best laundry detergent is one that contains enzymes to break down the odor-causing compounds. Look for detergents specially designed for removing stains and odors, such as those made for pet accidents. These detergents effectively remove urine odors from fabrics.

How Do You Remove Urine Smell From Clothes?

To remove urine smell from clothes, soak them in a mixture of vinegar and water, then wash as usual.


To sum up, eliminating urine odors from clothes can be a hassle, but it is not an impossible task. By promptly attending to accidents, pre-treating the affected area, and using the right products, you can effectively remove urine smells. Remember, patience and persistence are key to achieving fresh and odor-free clothing.

So, next time you encounter this situation, arm yourself with these tips and bid farewell to unwanted urine odors.