How Do Magic Tricks Work?

By Tapang786

Magic is an illusion and it depends on our head work. It is an art of impossible tricks.  Magicians are the artist of consciousness and attention. Behind the perception of physical reality, they manipulate the focus and intensity of the public consciousness through the cognitive illusion and visual.

They perform the magic so professionally that one cannot perceive the processes that are actually been occurring behind the magic tricks. Many of us love magic and love to watch spells and disappear objects magic like Harry Potter. To make this tricks possible the illusionist knows how to attract human brain attention on the act.

The illusionist makes the jokes during an act to distract the attention of the public so that the people have attention on the jokes and at same time illusionist makes his trick and secretly surprise you from the magic. According to a scientific research, a human brain cannot stare at two things at the same time, with the use of this fact the illusionist take advantage and makes his magic trick possible. Illusionists like to use visual effects.

How Do Magic Tricks Work?

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A clear example is when they change a hand object quickly. Our brain will believe for a moment that this object is still in the original hand, and it is just in that fraction of time in which they carry out their maneuvers. The mind is not used to seeing unexpected things or breaking with the laws of physics. For example, if you throw a ball up, you know that at some point it will fall to the ground, due to the force of gravity.

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When the magician does a trick that breaks with these laws, our brain reacts by being surprised. When some trick amazes us and we do not find a rational explanation, our brain will try to create possible explanations to what we have seen, because it feels confused.


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By the help of the magic, the illusionist is able to help suffering patients with brain trauma, in hyperactivity disorders and other effective diagnoses. The illusionist while performing his magic try to move the focus of viewers by acting some unrealistic acts and that time the illusionist make his attention secretly on the trick of magic (not necessarily directing his eyes). Under the influence of the unconventional movement, viewer is able to see the magic without catching his undercover movements.

While the magic act is going on, the illusionist uses two steps for disguise distractions of viewer called “Blindness of distraction” and “blindness for change”. The change can be expected or not, subtle or not but when the act is going on people do not realize that after time the scene of the act is all different than it was before.

The observer does not perceive the scene and surrounding that how after some acts the scene moments changes.

Therefore, it is necessary for the observer to notice the change between the first and last scenes to identify the changes and tricks of an illusionist. The fact we perceive is, the visual illusion done by the magician it is due to the fact that neurons in the visual cortex, sensitive to both movement and line terminations, respond differently to oscillations than other visual neurons.


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In additions, it includes cognitive illusions as the blindness to change in which the viewer is not able to perceive that there is something different from what was before. The change can be expected or not and can be sudden or gradual independent of interruptions.

A doubt that arises about how magicians get to trick us their tricks is if it is because they distract our gaze from the moment in which they perform the trick or in reality, what they manipulate is our attention. In conclusion, the illusionist tries to manipulate the attention of the spectator more than his gaze by using the simple principle to product the in attention blindness among the observers.

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