How Do I Know If I Am Eligible For Compensation In A Slip And Fall Accident?

Posted on the 03 May 2024 by Shoumya Chowdhury

Have you ever had a slip-and-fall accident while visiting places in Las Vegas? Slip-and-fall accidents can happen unexpectedly and lead to severe injuries, which leaves you with huge medical bills. After being in a slip-and-fall accident, you must be wondering if you are eligible for compensation for all your damages due to the accident. High Stakes Injury Law can help you figure out your eligibility and assist you with the whole process until you attain maximum compensation. But here are some key factors that you need to consider to understand your eligibility:

  • Liability

Liability refers to the legal responsibility for the accident, and it is one of the major factors in determining your eligibility for compensation. Managers, tenants, or property owners are supposed to maintain their premises properly to assure safety, and if there is any known hazard, visitors should be made aware of the dangerous condition. But if the responsible party fails to do so and the negligence leads to your accident, that may make you eligible for compensation.

  • Negligence

You need to prove negligence to hold the responsible party liable for a slip-and-fall accident. To prove their negligence, you need to show how the owner or manager breached their duty by either creating a dangerous condition, failing to get it fixed or addressed or not warning the visitors about the hazard, which eventually led to the accident. Also, make sure to show that their negligence directly caused the injury.

  • Dangerous conditions

If there was a hazardous condition, that is a key factor in determining your eligibility for compensation. A dangerous condition may include slippery or wet floors, poor lighting, torn or loose carpet, any obstructions in the pathway, or uneven surfaces. If any such dangerous condition was there, you may have a good basis to file a claim.

  • Damages

Another important factor is the total extent of your damages that are directly caused by the slip and fall accidents, which may include loss of wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other losses that resulted from the accident. Also, you should be able to show how the damages were a direct result of the slip and fall accident.

What should be a rational step in this case?

Suppose you are still confused about your eligibility or have concluded that the other party was at fault. In that case, you need to reach out to an experienced slip-and-fall attorney to manage your case so that you can build a strong case against the other party and attain the maximum possible compensation for your damages while making the whole process significantly less stressful for you.