How Did They Get So Big

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

I am in the process of re-discovering my garden after the neglect caused by the allotment experiment.  I have down the basics over the last two years but it has been the very basics and walking round the garden with a fresh perspective it is clear that there is much to do. There are brambles – large ones!!

Anyway, it seems that not only have the weeds thrived on the neglect but also some of the plants and in particular those living in Succulent Theatre.  I do take them in each winter and store them in a frost-free greenhouse but when I was pottering around today looking at what needed to be overwintered I noticed that some of them were swamping their pots.

The first candidate for re-potting was Echeveria ‘la Femme’.  I bought this last year at the Gardeners World  Live Event as a dainty little succulent.  Now it is beginning to resemble a small cabbage.  I didn’t have a tape measure in the greenhouse but across the widest point is one of my hand spans (see below).

Another plant is desperate need for repotting is Aeonium tabuliforma.  I couldn’t see the top of the pot the plant was in as it was so swamped.  It was quite a tricky operation to get it out and not break any of the petals, is that the right term – I don’t think so. I have also seen it referred to as the Dinner Plate Aeonium.  It will be interesting to see how this plant grows.

Like the Echeveria  the Aeonium is already a hand span wide.  I have just measured my hand span and its 9 inches.

Anyway these two are potted up and ready for winter.  Lots more to do and sort out so Autumn is going to be very busy