How Did Blake Shelton Beat Out Kofi Siriboe For ‘Sexiest Man Alive’?

By Firstladyb

So when People Mag announced on Tuesday that country music star Blake Shelton was their  “Sexiest Man Alive” for 2017 it had me asking,”what about Queen Sugar star, Kofi Siriboe (they named him their “sexiest breakout”)

Like Essence magazine said,”he gave us life this year!,” and not just because of his looks, but his humility, his depth of understanding of the world we live in, and his willingness to stand up for Black Women!

From that bomb tweet about his mother that received some backlash from some Twitter trolls because he was praising a Black Woman! *inserts side eye*

“I think it’s very important… if you look at what is going on in the world, there’s an imbalance, he told Shadow and Act.   I feel like with men and women; there’s just a lack of equality when it comes to that,” he stated. “When it comes to something going with young men or men, I feel like we always have people coming to our , our moms, our sisters, everybody. Everybody’s always right there. But, when it comes to the women, we just don’t respond as much. We don’t come together. We don’t unite. I just realize that Black men covering, Black women like that is very important. I feel like it’s intentional when we don’t pay attention to something that’s very obvious.” 

After his role in Girls Trip, he got the nickname “Kofine” and when Entertianment Tonight’s Kevin Frazier asked him about it, his answer was epic.

“I’m ready for it man,” he said. “I don’t think God gives you anything you can’t handle. You know, it’s happening. I’m embracing it and I’m just taking everything one day at a time.”

Then the fact that he didn’t take his new money and buy material things, but invested it in his future.

The actor took his 1st season Queen Sugar check and made his OWN movie, “Jump” which he shot in the Bronx last year that tackles mental illness.  He wrote, produced, and directed the film.

And then that humble interview on the Wendy Williams show when Wendy asked him what it’s like being him, and with such humility he responded with,

“It’s exciting because, I’ve worked so hard to get to a place where I love myself enough to let other people love me.”

Watch that interview:

And then THIS Essence magazine response to playing Ralph Angel in OWN’s Queen Sugar.

“He was with his son and about to rob a liquor store, but I didn’t see him as aggressive. I just thought he was broken. Even though I have not been incarcerated and don’t have a son, I remember a time when I felt broken. I also know what it’s like to try so hard and feel as if the world is against you.”

So yea, People got it wrong, but I’m happy that publications like Essence, and Forbes didn’t!

Essence gave Kofi Siriboe along with Rep. Maxine Waters their “Everyone Who Gave Us Life in 2017” Dec/Jan cover and Forbes named him to their 2018 class of “30 Under 30.”