This choice is done simply and without any direction of what will be in the core truth of opposites. We all seek the moments to heal, or to feel released from certain things in our existence that allow us the free will to just be happy. It is the reason for all things to always continue full circle without any help from the outside. The outside world will always lead to an unhappy existence, if you never connect to the inside world of disconnection to embrace fully of the things that keep you from your truth in knowing.
I love as deeply as I can inside of myself.. it is what is most important for me to experience this to give to her.. My Lois will tell you what I say is what my actions show. If I missed something it is coming to me from the inside out.. not the outside in. You balance this existence based on this. If you have always lived outside yourself and always keep seeking something outside, you will find something always does find you but it only gives you shorter moments of things that will be short lived. Why not find inside, the longevity to keep those things in all moments. No one told you that you can’t, and no one is ever going to tell you can.. Until now!
This moment has it’s specific reason for giving you something magical.. something you can change in a thought process, it can give you the radiant being of who you are in all moments, to share the love within you, to share the deeper places within you. You have this significant ability to love even in pain.. Are you sure going deeper into that doesn’t unlock a bigger door of something magical that you ever see?
I recently was helping someone who was always finding what she didn’t want in a relationship.. The more I asked her what she did want, what was within her started telling me of the things that she did want. This became vocal and on purpose. The things that she didn’t want soon stopped finding her. In other words those men that kept coming to her who were disconnected and wouldn’t show affection and wouldn’t speak about how they felt suddenly fell off, she was very sad.. and very disappointed.. I could see her stating something inside herself that she was not worthy of any of what she wanted. My persistence continued.. I made sure she would emotionally tell me of what she did want.. When you stop and pay attention to energy, energy finds it’s way to you.. Not by chance, but by magic.. her words laid heavier and heavier and soon the settling effect kicked in. Her words told me of things she wanted, she wanted someone who would hold her hand, she wanted someone who would rub her back as she did them. She wanted someone who could kiss her passionately.. Do you see to what I asked her to say out loud was now becoming significantly weighted in her energy that was being sent out from what she was truly feeling… This past Easter Sunday at a family & friends gathering… What she sent out into the energy form inside of herself found her.. I have not seen her to stop smiling since almost to where I can see the tears of happiness in her being.. and when I met him and saw them together.. It was as though they had traded smiles.. he was exactly the love she was waiting for and he answered back by chance.. you see how energy reflects energy in this true event that took place.. when you place energy in truth.. the truth will give you what you search for in the most magical way. I watched as they seemed to be still looking at each other as they both spoke. That feeling to feel by seeing them is amazing.
You make this inside an enemy for what reason? Why do you abandon the place you feel deep within you? Turning it into thought has brought you what? What has it truly ever given you in temporary form that you think you need? You see you can’t wish it to come to you, you feel it in you and describe into words into feeling.. This energy is yours.. It always has been. It may be mixed with very painful circumstances.. but you don’t have to lie on the side of what you don’t want to think, what you don’t want will find you. It is what you do want and how deeply you say it inside yourself to come outside that is what finds you truly does. How could this not be the truth? How could this not be something you can read and feel it’s energy coming through that inside you says I told you so.. Well if it’s not I am here to tell you now.. I told you so! Look around you from inside you.. What you call to, has it found you yet? Did it’s opposite find you? Did you use the gravity correctly and not focus on what you do want instead of what you don’t want? Do you see the feelings of joy just find you? Do you feel it’s energy to say why not? What have you got that has come to you to stay that you haven’t asked for more in that direction?
I am hoping this sparks the fire of the light within you.. It is the truth! I no nothing else, but I do know that gravity very well.. It’s what gave me flight and continues to give me flight. What about you? Are you ready to fly?