This blog is dedicated to the mind that takes and catalogs information of past experiences and continues to speak as a voice that we misidentify as a sense of self…
As a little child we all experience something that creates the ego.. This ego keeps a dialog with us as we grow.. as we grow it gives us all the attention we ever endure. Notice I will not choose need or want as endure has to take responsibility for something.. I will however, point to the truth of this as a place that we derive our sense of self from. What happens when the ego is found out??? It seeks to keep a layer over this episode or that episode of what we experienced keeping us from our origins of love.
Recently, there was a woman who was thinking of the despair she was in within her existence.. All the choices she made were from this ego.. As a child she wasn’t close to her mother, and her father, well that is a different story.. But, the child was seeking a mother who abandon her in ways that she just didn’t comprehend. This birth of the pain body kept her in the most constant state of being validated, heard, embraced and loved..
Validation as an energy serves no real purpose outside you, other than to keep you searching for an answer over the lie you told yourself inside that you needed to seek outside yourself to find moments of comfort and discomfort. What if you inside found the place where you saw this and saw the child that endured this? It is quite a journey.. For you see, the child’s hands coming through the darkness to grab you, but what you don’t see is the child reaching into a dark place to pull you out of this.. You run in fear of this unknown…. This illusion is quite tricky as we see darkness and feel we are consumed in it, we don’t see that we are the light in that darkness and just surrounded by the dark ego that is in effect which is our sense of self… As we see in this way our inner child is reaching and grasping for us and all we do is run.. for that is what we are told to do by ego.. These hands that reach from the light into the darkness are the hands that come through to embrace us..
I asked her… What do you see in the darkness she said.. I see a little girls hands.. I said how do you see her in the darkness… She said she is dark.. I said you see the little girl in the dark… She said yes… Her ego made the exploded view of her inner child into a small set of hands in a dark cloud… How could this be.. Let’s see this from the eyes of a child.. A child has no sense of thought, which means it doesn’t have an ego or darkness.. So, why would a child reach down in darkness, as I asked her what she felt… she stated I am running from her… I said wait! Why My friend? Why don’t you go to her and put your arms around her?
She was quiet and the shift occurred… How could she see the child in the dark… The child is in the light.. Only love has light.. How else does a child see love? The birth of the ego creates a question when it doesn’t receive it. This was powerful as the anger that was validated submerged in the ego into the darkness.. She closed her eyes and held her inner child.. As this happen she cried vert hard as though listening to a child who was just being born again… for 30 something years she ran from the light, which is the inner child.. The child we all are birthed with.. The child that only knows love, no judgements, no abandon, no betrayal just pure love, this includes content and labeling removed.
I said why did you think she was the darkness?
This is where it became very powerful to heal…
She said because everyone ran away from her so I did to…. She was seeking the validation as to why they always would leave, never why they would hold her!
For a child loves in this way they don’t know any other way… As we do this we hurt.. We fear, We get angry, We fight, We destroy, and we become destroyed in our view of what we in truth truly want… Which is love without reason, without consequence, without material, without judgements, without content and without labeling.. Love as an energy does the most powerful thing in healing, not with an I’m sorry but with a let go and embrace of what we hide inside which is the inner child of you!
After embracing this child.. I said stay here.. for what the child really needs is the root of this connection to grow.. This will bring you the greatest love you are here to experience… It is the bread crumbs of the truth.. Anything else is just ego….
Love deeply,