HOW DARE YOU? A Tool For Bloggers

By Guerrillamom @mariaguido

This is pretty much the best statement of all time and a fabulous tool for bloggers.
Those of us who are a little more opinionated and outspoken may have had the experience of the occasional reader who comes around to talk about how offended they are that you have opinions. It goes something like this:
You are a terrible person/dumb/I can't believe you have children/ you should never say that thing you just said ever, ever again. (I'm ad-libbing).
I used to get really thrown off by the likes of these people in the beginning, then I moved to indifference. Now I have moved to HOW DARE YOU.

It's really easy to utilize this tool. All you have to do is respond to whoever you've "offended" by saying HOW DARE YOU? This confuses them. It throws them off. They think, Wait - I was offended first! But the beautiful thing is capslock HOW DARE YOU is such a strong and peculiar statement that the offended person will not know how to proceed. You're like the Bartleby of the blogging world.
I read something on Ricky Gervais' Twitter feed one day that has stuck with me. Twitter can be so profound. It was,
"Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right." Or something like that.