How Can You Be Sure That You Build Healthy Relationships? Top Signs of Healthy Relationships.

Posted on the 14 December 2020 by Amara Kester


A healthy relationship is a hallmark of one's life. When I think of healthy relationships, the first example that comes to mind is one with a life partner or a spouse. Still, your relationship with your parents, siblings, friend, and employees is also very important. Every connection you have has a big impact on your psychological well-being.

My experience in building relationships is not particularly significant, and I'm not a psychologist to make objective statements. So, I decided to contact the guys who have a more professional look. This team is involved in the sphere of relationships and does the reviews on Their experiences with evaluating matchmaking services gave me several lifehacks to quickly check if your relationship is, in fact, healthy.

Enjoyable Speed of the Relationships' Movement

A relationship with a significant other is often marked by going too fast or too slow. Going slow is never a bad thing. But the moment things begin to progress fast and your partner or you start to feel uncomfortable. It's a red flag.

I've always had conversations with my girlfriend regarding the pace of our partnership. You both don't want to be feeling like you have a different view of what your couple is or want to feel repelled by your partner. This is why consent is always essential, possibly the most crucial element of a healthy relationship.

Trusting Each Other and Being Honest

Trust and honesty is an integral part of every couple's foundation. When I'm making business deals, I aim to work with enterprises that are honest in their work. The same goes in human interactions: many people emphasize being open and honest with a partner. You'd never want to be the last person to hear about them cheating.

By being honest, you also open doors to communication. I always take out time to answer my girlfriend's questions as honestly as possible. She appreciates this. We also have an "honesty time" where we can confess small things without judgment.

Respect and Equality

A relationship dynamic works with respect and equality. My partner and I don't follow the patriarchal mentality of "men are the breadwinner." And since my girlfriend lives with me, we both share the housework and outside expenses equally.

I do the dishes and laundry while she does the cleaning and grocery shopping. We never swear or use derogatory terms with each other and always listen with an open-mind and attentiveness. The moment you stop respecting your relationship, the people around you will treat you the same way. So treat others the way you'd like to be treated; it is the Golden Rule, after all.

Being Responsible

Every role comes with its set of responsibilities. A mother has her duty, and a father has his. We all work together in a society in harmony by carrying out our responsibilities to the best of our abilities.

In a healthy relationship, each person is responsible for their part. Consciously and subconsciously, we associate specific "responsibilities" with our partners. In my case, my girlfriend is the better cook, so I unconsciously believed it's her responsibility to cook. But I'm wrong; cooking is a skill I can learn, responsibilities should be shared roles like taking care of when one's sick and being a support system in sadness.

Being Independent

Relationships are made to grow together, but as different human beings, nobody wants to be controlled. The most important aspect of a healthy relationship is the independence to grow but with little control that gives direction between right and wrong.

Being independent isn't giving uncontrolled freedom but rather the ability to have unique thoughts of your own and letting your partner act on those thoughts if they are reasonable and rational. Don't be an overly controlling freak, the biggest red flags when someone is too controlling include:

1.   Constant calls and text messages asking who you're with, what you're doing, and when you'll be back.

2.   Policing what to wear

3.   Forcing lifestyle habits


Healthy relationships make life happier; living in a stressful environment damages your health and self-esteem. This is why it's important to have a conversation with people around you about the signs of a good and bad relationship. This discussion can help many decide whether to continue staying with a person or move on.