How Can Specialists Save Time and Reduce the Costs While Using Automated Testing?

Posted on the 06 June 2022 by Pranav Rajput @PROnavrajput

Software testing comes with a plethora of challenges for testers. Time constraints pose a challenge when a project needs to be deployed quickly. At times testing specialists are forced to prioritize speed over quality.

Manual testing processes are quite inefficient at times because of the resources required to run software tests. However, this phase of the development pipeline is critical and ensures that users are satisfied with the end product. With automation testing techniques, the responsibility of testing new software is much more convenient. It increases the coverage of testing and reduces the chances of human errors. So how can you save time and reduce costs through test automation as a software testing specialist?

Early bug detection

Test automation promotes CI/CD within the development and testing workflows. Each unit is tested before integration as developers write their code and continuously integrate their codebases. The benefit of implementing this testing technique is that all software components get preliminary bug testing right at the beginning. Early bug detection optimizes development and testing workflows by reducing the work required down the line.

By the time codebases are integrated, there will be no need for extensive unit tests because the developers will identify syntax errors and bugs. As a result, software testing specialists can significantly reduce the time it takes to run critical tests. Testers will primarily focus on tests that need to be run post-integration, which is not the case with manual test processes.

Running regression tests

Regression tests are undoubtedly one of the most time-consuming testing processes that need to be run by software testers. The trick with regression tests is that they have to be run repetitively. Regression tests have to be run to ensure it still functions whenever a new software component is added or a codebase gets changed.

Although these tests are critical, they waste time for testing specialists. When regression tests are run manually, they can take a very long time, especially if any changes are made to the codebase. Test automation helps run these tests autonomously with minimal human intervention. As a result, testing specialists can focus on other tests that need to be done before deployment.

Increasing test coverage on a budget

Test coverage is a critical aspect of testing sprints. Software testers are responsible for covering as much ground as possible within the timeframe they have. Since most software tests are time-sensitive, this affects the quantity and type of test processes that can be conducted.

Running tests manually makes matters worse because testers might omit some tests from the sprint due to time constraints. That limits test coverage, and to fix this issue, you might need to have a larger budget or a longer timeframe. With test automation, you can improve this at a fraction of the cost. At the same time, the test coverage can be widened within a very short timeframe and on a tight budget.

Accurate testing with minimal resources

Apart from test coverage, running testing sprints in short timeframes also affects the quality. Accurate testing is a challenge for teams faced with tight deadlines and minimal resources. The results produced by manual tests in such conditions can be inconclusive or unactionable. Moreover, any suggestions could be subjective on what the testers saw as important.

Automating software testing addresses this issue because testers can do more with fewer resources and in less time. You can fix the test accuracy with high-quality test case scripts that aim for comprehensive testing. Software tools also boost the quality of tests since they employ AI technology to improve test accuracy within a short timeframe. Additionally, fewer resources are required with test automation which reduces expenses.

Expediting software testing sprints

Software testing sprints can be very tedious, especially if they are complex or testing large codebases. An example of such a testing sprint is when software testers run end-to-end system tests. Naturally, you would understand why these tests take such a long time.

A lot has to be inspected, and testing specialists could only be contributing their skills during work hours. Automating software testing makes this a non-issue by running tests around the clock. In that way, tests that could be completed in weeks or months are finalized within a few hours or days. Expedited software testing sprints boost the overall performance of your workflow. The project can be moved down the pipeline much quicker, promoting efficacy, generating higher revenue, and saving time.

Reducing human resource requirements

Companies would have to recruit larger development and testing teams for high-quality test results and expedited testing sprints. In addition, the duties would have to be appropriately segregated amongst the human resources, which would also consume time for management personnel.

Recruiting and hiring more individuals consumes time and expenses continually. That is contrary to test automation which requires time, effort, and a budget when you are still setting up only. At the same time, having a leaner team does not require much time to manage because all members gel in with each other and buttress each other’s shortcomings. Test automation can help enterprises reach that objective by reducing human resource requirements within the development team.