How Can Anyone Not Rich Vote For Republicans?

Posted on the 28 June 2020 by Jobsanger

I am continually amazed that working people in America can vote for the Republican Party -- especially considering the policies supported by that party. Consider the following:
Republicans want to eliminate the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) -- throwing millions of Americans off health insurance rolls. They continue trying to do this even though, after years of trying, they have not come up with a viable alternative to provide insurance for all citizens.
Democrats want to enhance Obamacare with a public option that would insure that all Americans have decent health insurance coverage.
Republicans want to keep the minimum wage at $7.25 an hour (a poverty wage), and some of them would even like to eliminate it altogether (allowing businesses to pay even less).
Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to a livable wage.
Republicans want to cut funding for Social Security (and Medicare), and then cut benefits.
Democrats want to protect Social Security and Medicare -- and enhance Social Security benefits.
Republicans oppose labor unions, and are continually striving to weaken them.
Democrats know labor unions are the only option workers have to protect their wages, benefits, and working conditions. They strive to increase the bargaining power of unions.
Republicans believe that cutting taxes for the rich will benefit everyone (because they say the extra money will "trickle down").
Democrats know that money doesn't trickle down in a capitalist economy -- it flows upward. Cutting taxes for those making the least is better for the economy that cutting taxes for the rich.
Republicans want to suppress the number of people who can vote, in the hope they have a better chance of staying in power when fewer people vote.
Democrats believe in making voting easier for all American citizens.
Republicans have passed laws giving corporations a tax break for exporting American jobs, and allowing them to hide money overseas to avoid taxation.
Democrats want to eliminate those tax breaks, and make sure corporations pay their fair share of taxes.
Republicans continue to have policies to insure the white patriarchy survives and remains in power.
Democrats want to insure equal rights and opportunity for everyone -- regardless of race, color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation.
Those who say there is no difference between the two political parties are wrong. There is a big difference. The Republicans are the party of the rich and corporations. Democrats are the party of everyone. Unless you are rich, voting Republican is voting against your own interests.