How Blogging Helped Me Write a Tribute to Mom

By Lisa @Lisapatb

How Blogging Helped Me Write a Tribute to Mom

Blogging helped me write a tribute / eulogy for my mom’s funeral. I never thought I could write or speak a tribute at a funeral. That was until I began blogging. I was driving home the day after my mom passed last week and the words started to just come to me. Two days later I put those words into writing for her funeral just like a blog post. I don’t think I could have done it otherwise. Some people like my aunt are natural born writers. I had to work at it here on the blog.

Blogging Can Be Therapeutic

It was just like me blogging and doing laundry during the crisis of my life several months ago. The day after mom passed my sister and I were taking down clothes from the clothes line that my dad had hung out. We even laughed a little as we did it, wondering if it was folded good enough for dad. It reminded me how mom did the laundry the morning of her own mom’s funeral. I so understood why she did now.

Blogging Helped Me Write – Paragraph by Paragraph

I started writing the tribute from the end and it flowed through. I will share the first paragraph with you here:

“Those that knew my mom well knew how much she wanted everything organized. My last conversation with her was about one too many hangers on the pegs in her bedroom. Cousin Janice was with me in the room as mom tried to explain that she wanted me to remove the extra hanger. Once we understood what she was trying to tell me and I removed it, she got peaceful and started to fall asleep. She was then at peace to leave this earth. She passed about an hour after that.”

I didn’t realize until now it was still about laundry. That conversation reminded me of that last blog post on doing laundry during the crisis of our lives. It’s about keeping routines and doing everyday tasks. Those routines keep you focused and help you to get it together during the toughest times. Just like now I’m getting ready to return to work today and being a new routine of life without my mom. Blogging is helping me to get to that side of my life.

The Ending of the Tribute

“…She was also able in the last weeks to go to lunch for her and my dad’s 66th wedding anniversary. Theirs was the greatest love story. They were always together. They rarely ever fought and never held grudges. Dad’s love for mom really showed through how he took such good care of her during her illness. I know she would have done the same for him. They were truly each other’s best friends and did everything together. It was extremely rare for them to do anything separate. Even in the last months mom waited anxiously for his returns from the store.  There is no movie that could beat their love story. I always told her she was so lucky – that many never had or will have that kind of love. Dad, you really did really, really good….”

Blogging helped me write the tribute/eulogy – writing really is a creative form like art – drawing, painting, etc. It’s expressive and can help you through the tough times in your life. If blogging helped me write a tribute what else can blogging help you with? It always amazes me when I can something new because of blogging. It has helped me at work to write better emails and sales pieces. It has calmed me down many times during lifes “dramas” and I’ve made wonderful friends through blogging. Another reason to start that blog now if you haven’t yet.

Has blogging helped you through the rough times in your life?

 Have you  written or spoken at funerals?