How Blogging and Social Media Marketing Goes Hand-In-Hand?

By Smadison

The common practice while creating a marketing strategy is creating separate strategies suitable for different marketing channels. For instance, the marketing strategy you have taken up is sure to contain several areas of focus based on blogging, social media marketing, email marketing, and search marketing.
Nevertheless, to generate maximized results out of your digital marketing efforts, you need to understand the ways by which the separate channels seemingly work together. Just like, blogging and social media marketing prove their functionality hand-in-hand.

Blogging and Social Media Marketing
Digital marketing centers around where your target audience and your users prefer to spend their time. In the current phase, they prefer to spend their time on several social media channels. Thus, it is essential to develop a social media marketing strategy for your business and even be present on these channels and make use of them for interacting with your existing customers and potential prospects.
Blog, on the other hand, creates awareness regarding your brand, business, and finally position you as a proper thought leader. An informational content filled blog appeals more compared to the cluster of ads. Likewise, you can develop strong followers who consider you as a credible source offering value, thus you can build up a leadership.
Blogging + Social Media Marketing = Marketing Success
Apart from considering these two strategies as separate, as an advanced marketer, you can combine blogging and social media marketing so it is easier to engage with large scale audiences. In fact, this combined effort lead to a series of benefits like:
Promoting Blog on Social Media
By promoting blogs on your respective social media accounts for drawing traffic to your blogs that help you curate your own content. It is benefiting to be share and link to the particular blog posts which are sure to interest most of your social media followers. In this process, your followers can share your posts within their own social circles.
Embedding with Social Media Accounts
Make sure to include each of your social media accounts on each of your blog posts which includes the hashtags and the keywords for unifying the contents. Even you can add buttons so it is easy for your followers to retweet certain posts they want their friend circle to come across.
Using the Aggregators
You must submit the RSS feed of your blog to an RSS-feed aggregator website so that more browsers can across your blog and follow it. All these services are extremely affordable, which ensures attracting more social media followers, and in this process, drive more traffic, rather followers to your blog.
Content fitting the blogs and social media
While creating content, make sure to focus on the contents which will work as your blog and be shared on social media, like the "how-to" posts, decision-driven posts like pros vs cons, lists, and the data-driven contents. User contents are equally important. Incorporating videos and images in the content makes it equally important in the process.
Be Careful About the Comments
Adding comments to each blog post but having discussions on the social media channels is always possible. Check your blog as well as each channel to know what are your followers' comments which you have to address and moderate. Something more you can do is stimulate your discussions by creating Facebook and Instagram as even develop Twitter chat sessions.

Integrate Additional Features to Your Blog Posts to Enhance It
Make sure to use the enhancements like a photo gallery, embedded video clips, GIFs, memes, and cartoons on your blogs for connecting the readers.
Useful Tips To Promote Your Blog on Twitter and Facebook
* While sharing a blog post on Facebook, both the headlines and meta descriptions will be imported automatically.
* You should upload a visual for accompanying the blogs* Boost the posts to bring it in front of a huge count of people.
* Focus on unique and evergreen contents, which can be used for re-posting within a few months.

Useful Tips to Promote Blogs on Twitter
* Your blog's URL must be there in your Twitter profile.
* Shorten the tweet content to accompany the blog post links
* You need not always list the blog post title. Rather, add statistics or a quote for mixing it up and add elements of interest.
* Even you can join the Twitter chats and talk about your industry and share a few content from your blogs and the researches you have done.

Useful Tips to Promote Blogs on Instagram
* Add your Facebook page on your bio as it owns Instagram, and even add your blog.
* Keep your business name, brand image, logo on your Instagram account consistent with your remaining social media, and online presence.
* Announce your blog posts by using photos and videos as visuals.
* Maintain brevity for the content keep it linked to the blog post in your Instagram bio.

A small tip will end the discussion. You have to be consistent with regularly publishing your content on your blog as well as social media. That is how your audience will know when they have to check out. The loyal customers will always stay tuned in to your blog posts and social media at their flexible times according to the schedules you have set. When you get it done, then you can win repeated visitors and even achieve growth in your organic reach.