How Bad Do You Want It?

By Dmroughton
How Bad Do You Want It?I was doing fairly well until the endless fall/winter holiday gorge fests set in, beginning with Halloween. If you melted it all together, I think I consumed a piece of candy about the size of Yankee Stadium. Then came Thanksgiving and Christmas when I woofed down roughly five pounds of mashed potatoes, an acre of oyster dressing, half a turkey, a couple of live goats, two sheep, a talking donkey, and a flock of partridges in pear trees - which brings us to New Year's resolution time.
Last time I got my butt in gear, many of you wanted to know how I lost the beer gut so fast. I even heard a whole lot of "men have it so much easier than women when it comes to losing weight." So here is your chance to join in and see just how "easy" it is:
You will definitely shed a significant number of pounds. However, you have to do exactly as instructed - no deviations or food substitutions - or it will not work. You also have to commit to the plan for 28 days; this includes no alcohol.
Most of you know that the basis of my plan last time centered around Atkins, and it will this time as well. However, beyond just the physical side of this, there is a mental side, so once again, you have to do exactly as instructed to see the kind of results that I WILL see.
So to get started, you need to either already be a Follower or go to the little button thingy over there and click Join this Site. That way when you have to post a required comment, you can just login with the way you did to Follow. We will all be keeping track of how much weight we lose.
Next, you don't have to buy a lot of stuff to start with, but some items that you will need to have on hand include:
  • eggs
  • bacon (preferably turkey, but the regular kind will do)
  • salad materials (no croutons and limited tomatoes)
  • broccoli
  • cucumbers
  • green beans
  • basically any kind of green, leafy stuff
  • low calorie, zero carb water mixes like Crystal Light (other brands are fine)
  • turkey pepperoni
  • string cheese
  • different kinds of meat, but especially chicken
  • multi-vitamins
  • access to bathroom scales
  • ability to take and print out a photo
Each day I will post with instructions for what to do the next day. That way you can prep any lunch the night before if needed. We will start on National Weigh-In Day, January 2, so tomorrow (Jan. 1), I will make the post for that day.
But you still have New Year's Eve and New Year's Day to get everything out of your system, so go crazy!
Now login and comment below if you plan to get on board this weight loss train.  Happy New Year's!