How and Why a Pop-Up Shop Could Be Just The Thing To Give Your Brand a Boost

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

If you have a new business to launch, a new product range, or want to try out your items with new customers in different locations, then it can be done in a variety of ways. Online marketing can be a good way to go, but you don't always know who you are targeting, and there is the face to face communication that some shoppers love. So in some cases, depending on what your items are, then it could be a good idea to open a pop-up shop. There are plenty of existing companies that do this in different locations for a set amount of time, as well as one-offs as a way to raise brand awareness.

If you're a little unsure if a pop-up shop would work for you, then here are some of the many reasons why it can be a good idea.

  • You are able to sell more in a short amount of time, as you have a focused team that are looking to sell, rather than anything else. You don't get that in a regular store as staff will have other duties from cleaning to merchandising which wouldn't be relevant on a one day pop-up shop, for instance.

  • A pop-up shop can be a pretty inexpensive way to retail, as you don't have the rent that a normal store would have. It can be low-cost to use a room, store, or booth space for a day, depending on the location.

  • You get to build awareness of your brand with a group of people that like to shop in stores, rather than online. This article talks about using pop-ups for your brand, so it could be worth a read: .

  • Depending on what your products are, you can target your pop-up to work around different holidays, like Halloween or Christmas.

So with all of that in mind, what more convincing do you need? Here are some steps to help you to curate an amazing pop-up shop to give your business and brand a boost.

  • For starters, you need to think about the experience as a whole. Do you want to keep it quite simple and let the products speak for themselves? Or are you more interested in a full experience with a band playing or a late-night lock in type of vibe? What do you want it to look like as well? Would neon signage from somewhere like be what you are after? Or are you looking for bunting and simple decor?

  • Along similar lines, you need to think about the location and size of the place that you want. The place you choose can influence the experience that you can offer from your pop-up, as well as the neighborhood and place that you choose to set up shop in.

  • Logistics on the day are important; will it be cash only? If not, will you have access to a card reader and have things like wifi? Do you need display shelving or will they products be stacked up?

  • Most of all, you need to promote the pop-up so that you get plenty of people coming to see it. Flyers in the local area will help, as well as reaching out to local bloggers and press. On the day, some signage and people out front will help to draw people in too; will they wear matching t-shirts?

A pop-up store is retail done simply. But it can be a great way to boost your business and let more and more people know about your brand.