How Academic Stress Impacts the Health of Students?

Posted on the 23 March 2021 by Tim Harry @assignment_shop

 Academic stress is one of the most common factors for college students. These assignments are given by the professors as a means to test students the knowledge and they also help the students to prepare for the exams but what the professors don't understand is that they have 5-6 different subjects and all other professors give them assignments too. Students have to spend at least 3-4 hrs to complete the assignment and completing more than on assignment in a day is not possible. 

When students delay their work assignments keep piling up and in end, there are way too many assignments and not enough time to complete them all. This causes stress and the stress affects the students in different ways. Some of them are

  • Anxiety 

Anxiety is a very common condition caused by stress. Students start getting paranoid thinking about the submission and overthink about what might happen if they don't submit the assignment on time. They might expect negative marking and criticism and get stressed about how they will handle all of that. Getting fewer marks in the assignment will lead to the overall score getting low and maintaining the overall score might be the number one condition for some students. All these thoughts keep running in the head and cause anxiety in a student's mind. 

  • Depression

If a student is under excessive stress they tend to become inactive and their emotional needs decrease. They feel like isolating themselves and doing the bare minimum to finish something. They lose interest in all their hobbies and other social activities. Depression is quite frightening because it takes a toll over the student's mind and completely changes their personality. The student will no longer be interested to study or complete assignments any further. 

  • Problems with cognitive functioning

Stress changes the mind completely and prevents students from giving their best. There is always some issue running in the mind and the students cannot perform as he would under normal circumstances. Students might take more time to understand a concept or fail to follow a procedure. They keep committing silly mistakes and the ability to concentrate for longer also decreases. 

  • Changes in behavior

Student changes their behavior and can start acting out for various things. The constant pressure and stress can cause headaches, nausea, insomnia, and other physical effects. The student can get irritated and angry easily because of all the problems and this should be avoided completely. 

It is very important to keep the mind stress free and students can complete their assignments by managing their time efficiently. There are emergencies and in such situations, they can take help from Assignment Help services. There are thousands of websites online that offer assistance is assignment and in return for their services that demand a small fee. These assignments help websites have professionals and experts from different fields working for them and these experts will finish the assignment for the students. Using this service can relieve students from stress and they can use the free time to do whatever they like. 

How students can improve their study methods to reduce their academic grades?

  • Make a schedule

Assignments can take up too much time and it is suggested that students divide their work and create daily goals. This way they only work for 1-2 hrs in a day and still make sufficient progress. Creating a schedule and completing daily goals will keep the student on track and they will have pending work only if they deviate from the prepared schedule. Creating a schedule will help the students understand how much work is done and how much more there is left. It’s easier to keep a track of things and this way everything remains in check. 

  • Create a designated study area

It is important to focus and concentrate while doing any task and it is very crucial while completing assignments. Sitting on a bed or dining table while finishing your assignments will not help you in concentrating. There will be something or someone who will try to interact with you and you can get distracted. Creating a study area will help you get into the zone automatically and with enough practice, you will always be focused whenever you are in that place. Make sure you have everything you want in the study area like a bottle of water, snacks, and other stationery requirements. It is easier to concentrate when you don't have to get up to grab something. 

  • Stay away from distractions 

Students might find it easy to sit down to study but they can not stay in that zone long enough. Productivity is the key and when its time to complete a task you students have to forget everything else and focus on the task in hand. There will always be distractions that tempt anybody and drive them to stop doing whatever they are doing but it is important that you fight it and focus on the task. Students have to leave their phones aside and cut ties with all social media and communication apps while doing their assignments. There might be other distractions too but students have to learn to concentrate and work on what's important. 

  • Reward yourself

The best way to keep the mind motivated is to reward oneself. Students can create goals and they complete it on time they can reward themselves with something that they like. These rewards will motivate the students to keep working and when they hit the next milestone they get to enjoy another reward. This way the mind gets used to the practice and the student doesn't feel the pressure too. 

  • Take breaks

It is important to concentrate and focus on the task but we too are humans and we have to take breaks to keep the mind fresh. students should make sure that they are not overworked and they have to make sure that they take short breaks every 45-50 min. Taking a mere 15 min break will help the brain to refresh and doing this will remove pressure from the student. Students can listen to music, go for a walk, take a nap, or do anything which will allow the brain to rest. This will only help in maintaining concentration and help avoid unnecessary stress. 

If students have too many assignments they can take help from an Online Assignment Help service. There are sites that provide assignment help online and these sites can provide assistance in completing the assignment. 

Why students should sleep at least seven hours

 for better academic grades?

Sleep is an essential factor that determines the grades of students. It was seen that students who sleep for 7 hours a day score better than their peers and students who slept for 6hrs a day had 50% lower grades than their peers who slept for 7 hours a day. This proves that sleep in really important but sleeping for 7 hours only during exams and just before the exam doesn't have any major effect on the student. 

  • Better health

Sleep is crucial in determining the health of an individual. If students have a proper sleep cycle with 7 hrs of sleep every day then their body gets used to it and this helps in timely hormonal release and all the organs function efficiently. The body produces antibodies and hormones like cytokines and these antibodies help in preventing any infection and helps in getting rid of tress. If students neglect their sleep and have an abnormal sleep cycle then the cytokines levels in the body decreases and students are prone to various diseases. 

  • Helps in staying active

It is important to stay fit and healthy. Students might be interested in outdoor activities and they might fancy playing a spot. With enough sleep, students can manage their sports and still have enough energy to study. Even if students have no athletic commitments without enough sleep students find it hard to concentrate and complete assignments. Sleep deprivation makes students lazy and they tend to get sick more often. With enough sleep, the body can replenish itself and this helps in staying active.

  • Concentration levels increase

Students who sleep for at least 7 hours are said to have better mental health and this helps in increasing concentration levels. The mind stays active and refreshed. Students have a healthy brain and this helps in avoiding stress and anxiety. 

  • Better memory

Students have to process a lot of information and this information has to be retained. The information is processed when the student is sleeping the sleep cycle plays a major role in retaining all the information. More sleep the students get more the efficient brain is. It is also easier for the students to concentrate and they can make better decisions when they have enough sleep. Cognitive thinking improves when students get enough sleep. It was also seen that s

  • Better moodWith enough sleep students if students stay active and if they miss out on sleep they tend to get moody and sluggish. Sleep helps in curing anxiety and depression and in the same way if students don't get enough sleep they can suffer from anxiety, depression, an increase in blood pressure, and various medical conditions. It was also seen that students who don't get enough sleep have 28% more thoughts of hopelessness and 42% of suicidal thoughts. Taking assignment help can help students forget about studies and use that time to get some sleep instead. 

What tools students can use to improve their study in college?

Grammarly is an advanced grammar correction software that can be downloaded on any device and this Grammarly extinction can be used on almost all sites. Students might be taking notes or sending emails and when they are typing something Grammarly analyses the text and corrects the mistakes. It also helps in suggesting synonyms and the text recognition feature shows the tone of the message. This is a must-have application for all students as it helps them to maintain English proficiency. This application is also free on all platforms and the premium version comes with additional features. 

Students might are interested in various other subjects but due to committing to a certain field, they have to let go of these subjects. Suppose a student likes coding but due to selecting humanities as a career he might miss out on learning coding in college. Coursera helps students by offering thousands of online courses. These courses are created by renowned universities and everyone can access the course material for free. The courses are broken down into modules and there are multiple practice tests in each module. There is a final test in the end and students earn a certificate only if they pass the final test.  

Some courses give assignments and to complete these assignments you can contact any assignment help service too. 

Google docs is a word processing application. This app can be downloaded on android and ios devices and also runs on the browser. With this application, students can make notes and make documents online and once the document is saved it is uploaded to the google drive. This way the document can be accessed through any device without having to download t and if you allow sharing of the document anybody with the link can access the document make changes. All of this is done online and there is no need to download any document as this results in multiple copies and confusion.  

Students have to prepare presentations, posters, and many other assignments which might require an attractive picture on the front. Canva is the best application on the internet has thousands of free pictures and fonts. It also has inbuilt templates that you can use to make a presentation and the created documents can download as PDF document, JPEG image, PNG image, or in any other format. The application is free to use and students can make really artistic posters with this application. 

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