Household Routines and Expectations? I Tell My Kids It’s Normal.

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

Do you ever pause what it is you’re doing to wonder, if only for a minute, whether other households in the country operate the same way as yours? It’s been quite a conundrum for me this evening. Ahhh, well, not really, that’s actually a bit of a stretch ….. but sometimes I do give it some thought and tonight is one of those thinking nights. (Thinking on a Friday??? What the!)

There are some routines and procedures in our household that have just become second nature to me now that I’m a grown up and, you know, a parent and all. It’s not that these are in place to create a fascist state of being around here, or that the roof will collapse should they waiver, but I’m beginning to see that apples may not fall far from the tree and possibly I parent a little like I was parented. Is there a whole lot of bad in that, really?

I’ll admit that I like a bit of routine and some structure and I do believe that our household operations are smoother when we all know the expectations. My experience working with young people has reinforced my thoughts about this too. Although kids do like to test waters and stretch boundaries, they actually find comfort in routines, procedures and clear expectations. My Big Boy and Middle Young Man are no exception and consider it their obligation to find holes in the defence. Maybe we are the only household in town the world that operates this way, but I doubt it.

So what if other kids in your class don’t have to have their showers before dinner? Nothing to do with me. That’s just how we do it here.

So-and-so is allowed to go to bed whenever they want on weekends? Well, good for them! You’re not, good night, sweet dreams.

Why do you have to wash up straight after dinner? You want to do the dishes later?  Because that’s just the way we do it here.

As a parent, I reckon it’s crucial to create and maintain your own normal. The things that your family just do, because that’s the way it’s done at your place. It may look different to how your neighbours do it and guess what? If it works for you and yours  …… then that’s ok and don’t let your teens convince you otherwise

Tell me about your normal. What routines and household structures do you have working for you?

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The lovely Grace who hosts the Flog Yo Blog Friday link up has a great giveaway this week! Check. It. Out.

PLUS there are dozens of wonderful blog posts linked for your weekend reading