House Update- Office Space

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
Settling into a new place is no JOKE........!!!
After a part time work as a property manger, full time as a blogger, a mom and a house-maker, there is barely any time and energy left for the home front. There are boxes piled up in every corner of the house and I am pretty sure: " it will have to hang out there for a while "!
I am being quiet strategic about the interiors, which BTW hubby and I are doing it ourselves, and taking up one space at a time. We decided to set up the quintessential office space first, which by all means was of top priority, besides the kitchen, the bedrooms and the bathrooms. I have been browsing catalogues, web, Pinterest and all possible home decor inspirations, but the more I look, the more overwhelming it gets. So I have narrowed down to a few options and I would love your feedback.

I will need your advice finalizing this space. My decor checklist:
1) as of now, the desk houses a laptop, some flowers and figurines, my sponsor's gifts and a geo swivel chair. It needs a lot more.
2) this space will be used by Kapil and I, so I don't want to do injustice to him by making it uber feminine.
3) my color theme is mostly white and gold with a hint of color- which color should I go for?  Should I go with pinks and blues or a mix of both ?
4) I am open to personalizing that wall behind: should I add wall-to-wall shelves or a couple of planks would be aesthetically appealing ?
5) I am willing to hear your ideas as well!
Sharing some of my inspirations for your inspiration. Click the images to see the details.