House Says “No” to Obama’s Request for $3.7 BILLION for Border Crisis He Fomented

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The GOP-majority U.S. House of Representatives is saying “No” to the POS’s request for $3.7 BILLION to address the “border crisis” of wave after wave of illegals aliens surging across the Mexican border into the United States — a crisis fomented by the POS because he refuses to secure America’s southern border.

The Daily Mail reports that only about 3% of the $3.7 BILLION would actually be used to strengthen border security. The largest part of the $3.7 billion would go to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to care for the “unaccompanied children.” Business Insider has a more detailed outline of how the proposed $3.7 billion would be spent.

The Blaze reports that yesterday (Friday, July 11) morning, reporters asked Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Kentucky), chairman of the Appropriations Committee that controls spending, whether the House would approve the $3.7 billion spending package as-is. Rogers said no, “It’s too much money. We don’t need it,” and that no final action is likely until after the November midterm elections.

Rep. Hal RogersCongressman Hal Rogers (R-Kentucky)

Rogers spoke shortly after the Congressional Hispanic Caucus convened a news conference to denounce efforts to attach legal changes to the spending measure that would result in returning the children home more quickly to El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Those countries account for most of the more than 57,000 unaccompanied “kids” who’ve arrived since October.

Republicans are demanding such changes, but key Senate Democrats are opposed, and members of the all-Democratic Hispanic Caucus added their strong objections Friday that sending the youths home quickly could put them at risk.

Imagine that: Sending the illegal “kids” home “could put them at risk”!!!

Luis GutierrezIllinois Democrat Rep. Luis Gutierrez draped himself with the banner of children’s “rights,” saying, “It would be unconscionable . . . to vote to undermine the rights of these [illegal alien] children.”

Kevin Appleby, director of migration and refugee policy for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, piled on, also claiming that sending “the kids” back means “They’ll be sent back to their persecutors with no help whatsoever, and possibly to their deaths.”


So now those 57,000 “kids” — among whom are torturers and murderers – suddenly have morphed from pathetic “unaccompanied minors” into political refugees fleeing persecution!

Make sure you tell your Congress critters who are running for reelection this November that you want our borders secured, the Invasion of the Illegals stopped, and that you oppose the $3.7 billion boondoggle that the POS is asking for a crisis that he himself has engendered.
