House & Home: Living Room

By Rebeccamarin @rebeccamarin

New apartment, new look, right? As I've mentioned earlier, I've always been a sheer, light, cream and gold kind of girl when it came to clothes, but this has also applied to the home. In the midst of stepping out into a new world of color, my home aesthetic has taken a little turn for the best. My inspiration for my new living room comes from one of my favorite creatives, Bri Emery of DesignLoveFest, and her colorful, eclectic home decorated with the help of one of my other favorite creatives, Emily Henderson. Above is the color palette from the inspiration photo and below you will find what I've already rounded up and what I'm still on the hunt for. Stay tuned for more additions to the House & Home series, including dining room, kitchen, and bedroom! Any tips for decorating a new space? I'd love to hear your thoughts.