This will be no surprise to anyone (except the teabaggers), but the House Intelligence Committee has concluded its investigation into the Benghazi tragedy. That committee, like all House committees, had a majority of Republicans, but after examining all the evidence, they were finally forced to admit there was no wrongdoing on the part of the Obama administration. The report, which they are asking the country's intelligence agencies to approve releasing, "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. Forces) was given".
In a sane Congress, the Republicans would finally admit they were wrong, and drop their silly obsession with Benghazi -- but this is not a sane Congress. This was the Intelligence Committee -- and there is another committee, headed by Rep. Issa, that continues its vain effort to find something, anything, with which to embarrass the president. And they no doubt will string out this silly exercise until the election -- hoping to get some voters to believe them.
But while the House Intelligence Committee finally cleared the administration of any wrongdoing, they did conveniently overlooked the Republican part in the tragic affair -- the huge cuts in security funding for the embassies and consulates they forced. But then, that wasn't a surprise either.