House at the End of the Street (2012) Review

Posted on the 20 December 2013 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Elissa and her mother move to a small town, with a past of an incident which happened at their neighbour’s house. As Elissa becomes closer to Ryan  somethings just don’t make sense. Her mother wants her to stay away from him, but that seems to make her want to see him more . . .

I decided to give this film ago after seeing it on Netflix and being very impressed with Jennifer Lawrence as an actress thought this was quite different to her other roles. Not usually the type of film I rush to watch as I am usually not that impressed with them, but this wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought the twist was pretty good and didn’t see it coming at all.

Basically the story of the house at the end of the street was that a girl killed her mother and father one day, after she’d had an accident on the swings with her brother. Carrie Ann suffered a brain injury and was never the same after that, this caused Ryan to go and live with his aunt to get away from it all. But he had come back and was living in the house alone . . . Or at first we thought he was alone. It seemed that his sister was also still in the house.

When Elissa moved in next door he was quickly introducing himself but something seemed a little bit creepy about it all. I didn’t manage to guess how creepy it all actually was so that was a little bit strange really. He kept his sister locked up downstairs in the house often chained to the bed and using drugs to sedate her. It wasn’t until he killed her while calming down that it took a different twist, when she was suddenly back in the room!

Elissa just couldn’t help herself and stay away from Ryan even after her mother had asked her a few times too. Obviously what teenager is really going to listen to their mother, it just pushed her more towards him. But neither of them would have guessed how much danger that would actually put her in.

It does have moments of putting you on the edge of your seat and wondering when something is going to happen. With any film of this type the music really does help set the scene and keeps you on edge throughout. You don’t think he is going to be as crazy as it is first made out though so that’s quite a surprise really.

Not the worst film of this type and gives you something to try and guess throughout. I wonder if many people can actually guess the end?