Hot off the Press! Save the Date Ideas…

By Claire

*I live in an apart­ment in a con­verted Big House. Local post­men see my big front door and minia­ture let­ter­box, expect me to be up in the rafters and ham­mer enthu­si­as­ti­cally on the door as if I was giv­ing out noise prizes. So the sam­ple pack was thrust at me by a sur­prised post­man instead. But still…

Love vs. Design & Max Wanger are known for their wed­ding sta­tionery and pho­tog­ra­phy respec­tively. They’ve teamed up — excit­ingly! — to storm the world of wed­ding blogs with these gor­geous Save the Dates.

I love the con­cept of col­lab­o­ra­tion, and Floris from Love vs. Design was so lovely send­ing me the sam­ple that I couldn’t resist shar­ing with you! Go and have a look at their web­site — it seems really easy to use and you can upload your own photo to cre­ate a really per­sonal design! (Y’know, if you can’t get to Max Wanger in Los Angeles…)

I quote from their press pack: “We work with a team of tal­ented design­ers, illus­tra­tors and pho­tog­ra­phers from around the world to cre­ate modern-vintage sta­tionery.” (I won­der if they need a spare cal­lig­ra­pher for any­thing?

I will keep the sam­ples here for a week or two so drop me an email or com­ment here (I’ll reply via email for your address details) if you’d like me to pop one in the post for you! The qual­ity is fab and the reverse of the lit­tle post­cards are printed with your return address, names and wed­ding date as well as lines for a deliv­ery address — usual post­card lay­out, done nicely (I love type — espe­cially clean type. Yum.)

Claire x