Hot Curlers

By Itsmelcas @itsmelcas

Remington Pearl Professional Setters

I got this hot curlers from my mom as a gift last Christmas! She knows I wanted one and I was so happy when I got it as a Christmas present. I absolutely loved it !! It comes with 20 velvety rollers and heated clips that sets curls in 5 mins ! 
I usually take 5 mins to set it all up, it's very easy to use, then I can just leave it and do my make up , pick my outfit, change clothes then voila! It's done ! I just run my fingers through my hair for a lose effect and spray for a finishing touch ! I actually prefer using a hot curler than a curling iron. It's easier and it's faster in my opinion . I always use it specially when I feel like dolling up my hair and for the past week I've been playing around my webcam so I thought I`d post up pictures of the end product:)

You can purchase hot curlers from local stores near you, I know Walmart has it, London Drugs, Target .. Check them out ladies !! 
Hope you guys had an amazing day !with love,Melissa

"It's funny how a person can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the little pieces."

credits to: london drug site