Hot Cat

By Lwblog @londonwalks

Here’s another London Walks pet. Kim Writes…
We wouldn't be without our cats as they are the only effective mouse deterrent. We know that all our neighbours have been plagued by mice but we've never had any trouble at all. We have three cats and here's a picture of our oldest one, Patch. 

She came to us as a rescue cat in 2008 with the RSPCA ensuring us that she had been neutered. Obviously hadn't been because within 6 months one cat had become four! And if you don't know anything about cat fertility we can attest to the fact that they get pregnant immediately after giving birth so six months later  3 more kittens arrived. 
All were found good homes and we still have one of them - Mole - with us plus another rescue kitten - Pepper - who arrived about 7 years ago. 
Patch is now getting on in cat years, is very deaf, has arthritis which makes jumping and climbing difficult and warmth is her favorite thing so she'll be found as close to a radiator as possible or - even better - on top of the Sky box. 
In this position she can change the channel at will which means you have to make sure you are recording a programme at the same time as watching it because the programme will disappear and you'll be given the Shopping Channel just as the murderer is going to be uncovered or the goal is being scored.  Our son has now used his GCSE Technology experience (knew it had to be good for something) to rig up a device that stops this happening whilst ensuring the cat stays warm!
Kim, who has worked in the House of Commons and the European Parliament, is another 24-carat Blue Badge Guide: she won the London Tourist Board's Guide of the Year award in 2001.
A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at