Last week had been crazy! There was plentiful of work that needed to be completed and I was also going mad in the kitchen. As a result, I wasn’t able to devote much time to Little A. Though we went for walks in the building, took a stroll in the park, drove late night to fetch a chilled juice, we never sat down to do any activity. Moreover, the guilt of not keeping up to the promise of doing an activity a day to keep him entertained haunted evey night. It’s not that he was bored whole day but getting down to complete a project together gives a totally different feeling – for both of us. 2 is looking a good age to me – besides those tantrums, I can see that he now makes his own choices, helps me tid bit with house work, learned to keep his toys back in place, shows affection for his parents, friends and also for tiny little soft toys he had been associated with since birth, has been potty trained, having proper conversations with me, remembering short stories from his books and is also eating on his own except for rice.
So coming back to a day before when Caroline of Becoming Stay At Home Mum pinged me on Twitter for submitting an entry for her weekly Creative Challenge linky, I was skeptical this time. I had no entry that would fit the criteria, but until today! Currently, Little A is very fascinated by “hot air balloons”. Everytime he come across a photograph or watch on the television, his excitement reaches another level. Since he is so fond of it, I thought of doing a model of hot air balloon at home and involve him in the process. Another project we did was making a hat from the card paper. This was an instant thought today morning, so we used materials readily available at home. Little A is getting conscious of camera these days which is why there aren’t any photos I could click while we continued with our activities. I tried to click one while he was busy coloring a sheet of paper, but as soon as he saw me he stopped and it then took 15 mins to bring him back to where he left.See I told you he is making his own choices!
We first did hot air ballon which was very simple, easy and quick. We were invited for a birthday party yesterday, so Little A picked up a helium
Hot air balloon was done within few minutes! There was still a lot of time for lunch so we decided to do another DIY activity. I gathered card paper,
There was not much for him to do except for coloring and sticking which was also done in my supervision but I was very happy to see his involvement in both the craft projects.