Host1Plus Review Pros & Cons 2021 | Should You Use Host1Plus ??

Posted on the 22 December 2021 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

In an online business, being readily available to your consumers 24 × 7 is the very best thing you can do, and for that you have to host your company website with a better web hosting carrier.

Never do cost cutting while choosing the web hosting services due to the fact that if you purchase a plan from some web host which keeps your site offline in peak hours, then can you believe just how much company you can lose? Therefore, I would advise utilizing the very best hosting services with an appropriate strategy. Here I examine Host1plus hosting service that is world class.

Webhosting supplier offers you with all the settings and web-space where you can submit your website back up, do required settings, then your site will begin working on the web.

If you are a high traffic generating website or a creator of complex online applications then you will need a Virtual Private Server which hosts your creations smoothly and ensures that they reach your target audience in the smoothest and most engaging of ways. This is the only way you can ensure a steady flow of engaging traffic regularly. Also Check out here best web hosting companies

Host1Plus was founded in 2008, with the motive of creating high-quality hosting services for their clients. Currently, they have 5 servers positioned in Brazil, Germany, South Africa and the United States. The professional team of experts ensures perfect network solidity, rock-hard server reliability, and robust customer support.

It proudly serves more than 70750 clients globally and owns a significant position at multiple international and local organizations. They have fully satisfied customers worldwide as their services are affordable, flexible and up-to-date with the modern working environment.

Why choose Host1Plus?

Just imagine you buy a costly hosting plan, and then the service providers services go down in the peak hours of your business. And also, if the service provider doesn't have any money back guarantee, your investment becomes a total waste of money. So, it is imperative to look into all these important factors when it comes to choosing a right hosting partner for your first website.

Host1 Plus was established in 2008 in UK. Within a span of 10 years, this hosting provider has grown enormously giving a run for money to the other hosting providers in the market.

This is what makes Host1 plus an ideal choice for the web hosting:

Host1 plus hosting promises 99.5% uptime while it gives even more than the promised. The faster speed and stability of this hosting is attributed to its hypervisor KVM- Kernel based virtual machine. This means that your VPS will be secured from the others and well isolated. This software has got the reliable servers as they are connected with a 1 GB of backbone.

What makes it even faster is that its servers are distributed all around the world which makes it easy for you to host your website in virtue of your target audience. They have got their data centers established in countries like USA, UK, Lithuania, Germany, Brazil, The Netherlands, etc which is the result of 100% uptime.

API (Application Programming Interface) is an important aspect of web hosting server. Host1 plus has got the powerful in house API which are important for managing the backups as well as monitoring the CPU and analyze the bandwidth. Thus, API lets you control web panel as well as get more smoothness in your functionality.

A non coder blogger or a newbie usually faces the problem of cosing or installing a blog when they are using a VPN. Moreover, the traditional method of installation involves the uploading of zipped files by extracting is using FTP method manually and creating the database. This increases the risk of corrupted installation. With two different installers; Softaculous and Installatro, you can install your website with just one click on any major platforms such as WordPress, Drpal or Joomla. This platform has a free tool which enables the user to install and use more than 100 CMS scripts on their website.

Host1 plus has an amazing support system with a team of experts and they offer 24/7 helpline in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Lithuanian. With live chat support enabled, they have surely made it a go within the years. What makes t more attractive is the ticketing support system which is readily available for your query. A support system of programmers, developers and other experts is also available for the aid.

The faster speed and uptime is a vital factor in deciding the hosting platform. As you already know, Host1 Plus has an approx. 100% uptime. What makes it so reliable and fast?

The reason is it's globally distributed data centers all around the world. With its data centers in 8 countries and 5 continents, you can undoubtedly choose this platform for the faster loading of your website. Just choose the server locations carefully. For example, if you are located in India, you must choose Asian continent server for better results or if you are located in UK, choose the UK servers.

    Easily Accessible cPanel (Control panel)

A user friendly cPanel has everything accessible right from the WP installation to the backups. With a simple layout and multiple management options, this web hosting control panel ensures the easy web administration.

This control panel has extensive features which includes; the storage of large amount of data, managing emails and creating email accounts and auto-responding. Besides this, you get a SSL certificate and restricted and dedicated IP servers to maintain the security. After buying the cPanel licenses, you can limit access using MYSQL and PostgreSQL. Manage your website space, track your website or set up domains and subdomains or add on domains.


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Thousands of website owners trust Host1Plus for their brilliant features and updated mechanism and advanced technology used in offering services. These active services from your host only help your business to grow and render more profits. One must not compromise on quality when it comes to choosing the suitable hosting partner for your developing venture.

Many of us try to save few bucks by choosing a cheap hosting service and then lose money in the business. So, it is always advisable to choose a reliable and fast hosting services which give you significant results and assists you in every step of your progress. Host1Plus is one of the preferred names when it comes to the trusted and steadfast hosting partner.

Host1Plus is one such provider of VPS hosting. It provides cloud hosting services too and they are also good but I was specifically looking for VPS providers and found Host1Plus's offerings to be quite competitive.

Host1Plus offers the following services:

Cloud Hosting

With a wide range of options, you can choose whatever serves you the best. Cloud Hosting is although not as efficient as VPS but empowers you with the right solutions and hosting servers at not much higher price.

With less costs, the cloud hosting gives you more features such as a reboot or remote console, advanced DNS and more dedicated IP server management. Moreover, auto backups, as well as live stats, are an added feature to it.

It comes up with three products; Managed Enterprise Cloud, Linux Enterprise cloud (Linux Servers), Windows Enterprise Cloud (Window Servers).

It has got wide range of hosting plans with different benefits:

  • LIN 1 ( 20 GB storage system, 512 MB RAM)
  • LIN 2 ( 40 GB storage, 2048 MB RAM)
  • LIN 4 ( 100 GB storage, 4096 MB RAM)
  • LIN 8 ( 200 GB storage, 8192 MB RAM)
  • LIN 16 (500 GB storage, 16384 MB RAM)
  • LIN 32 (1000 GB storage, 32768 MB RAM)

Dedicated Servers

Keeping a dedicated server means having a hosting server for your personal use. No one other than you can get access to the dedicated servers. It is the most expensive hosting plan and you should only switch to it if your website is getting an enormous amount of traffic.

The most secured server, it runs on every operating system and you can always choose the plans with varied CPU cores. It has performed well in terms of the security as it has a natural cooling, layered physical security and control, video surveillance and biometric access control system.

It offers you with two Premium Dedicated servers and Managed Dedicated servers each containing different pricing plans and features.

In this review I have focussed mainly on the VPS hosting services of Host1plus. To know more about its other services you can click on the links above although, I will still mention some general highlights.Check Host1plus Coupons Web Hosting & Cloud Hosting Services Overview

What exactly is VPS and why do you need it?

With the growth of an online business, the server needs at the backend start to increase. If you do not upgrade your servers, the performance and outputs of your website can be compromised. Ifyou need specific or custom applications installed on your server, but cannot purchase a dedicated server due to some constraints, you can consider having a VPS.

A VPS is a partition of a physical server. You save money as the cost can be divided overhead between many virtual servers which are the partitions of a physical or more than one physical server. As the overhead cost decreases, having a virtual serversolution is more attractive as it is affordable for most people. That is where Host1Plus comes in with its impressive VPS hosting serviceand a great price / performance ratio.

It is highly flexible. The capabilities and the capacity of the VPS can be easily increased and upgraded to meet your needs as they grow.

Host1Plus allows you to host unlimited number of domains on your VPS. That is a huge advantage if you own multiple traffic generating sites as you can host them all from one place and keep a better track of them. You can also install applications with root-access capabilities.

The flexibility continues as the service works on all major Linux operating systems like Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Fedora and Suse. However, if you want to use a windows operating system then you will need to see theircloud hosting service which would be more ideal for you. This service is quite affordable too, with prices and packages ranging from $11 to $67. You can also customise these services and build a custom package which fits your budget.

I have to say that this is an impressive offering and also a rare one. Most hosting services do not offer this extent of freedom to its customer. It gives you the power to use your resources more efficiently.

Host1Plus Hosting Coupon Code Promo Code Discount Code 2021

Wait! There is more good to come

Host1Plus VPS hosting provides you with your won dedicated IP address. This allows you to run your own web, e-mail and FTP servers. This also gives you a chance to improve your SEO performance.

They have 5 VPS hosting locations to choose from:

  • Chicago, United States
  • Los Angeles, United States
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

This slightly indicates towards the support systems it has. The five locations do give it a chance to encompass the globe and provide fast hosting services and convenient support. This is coupled with a 24*7 helpline where your problems will be personally handled by their support staff. You also have the option of live chat in case you run into a sudden issue and require immediate assistance.

Having operation centres at multiple locations also means that you can reach a specific geographical audience if you have that sort of content. This is particularly advantageous for app developers and online careerists who develop for specific audiences and locations.

Finally we come to the question ofhow affordable is it? Well don't worry, it is affordable, very affordable.

It has its VPS hosting packages divided into four categories of bronze, silver, gold and platinum. The bronze package is for the people who are new or other small scale business and the platinum is for those who have high traffic generating websites or develop complex online apps. All the categories have further divisions according to the locations.

Thus, you ultimately have 20 package options to choose from. The possibility that you will opt for customization is less as one or the other package will definitely suit your needs.In any case.if you want to further customize your VPS server, you can do so in the checkout stage. Follow Host1Plus on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Linkedin.

The prices range from $2.5 a month to $45 a month with USA the cheapest and Brazilbeing the costliest in all categories.

Thus, I think that Host1plus is definitely a good choice for awesome VPS hosting. If you're looking for a provider, you better take a look at it.

Sponsorship Program

This is what I like most about them. It shows they are interested not only in making the profit but in spending it to help others also. If you are running a project under any of the following categories, you can expect a helping hand from Host1Plus.

Join Host1Plus Affiliate Program!

My verdict: Over to You

When I wrote Host1plus review, I personally used it and checked for its features. is definitely the best VPS service provider that provides value for money. This is a very good hosting company with amazing live chat appliances with different languages available, and the servers are half decent too, maybe lower the prices all in all they offer brilliant support.

With modern hardware implementation to its servers, you can surely look up for this hosting service. Besides this, it has a reputed and stable hosting provider with almost all the features that an ideal web hosting server should have. The chat and support team is proficient in their skills and too quick to help you out unlike other provider which may take hours to respond.

Here was my detailed review about Host1plus , if you have got more to add to it or if you want to write a review about it, please comment below in the box.