Hoshigaki: Japanese Dried Persimmon

By Skfsullivan @spectacularlyd

Ever seen one of these before? Neither had I until Sean Timberlake from Punk Domestics presented me with this beauty while on a trip to San Francisco.

It’s hoshigaki, the traditional Japanese dried persimmon.

Seems like it’s a thing. I expect now we’ll start seeing them everywhere.

As hoshigaki is a dried fruit it’s not too surprising that it tastes a little figgy. It’s raisin-y in texture but sweeter. I understand it’s traditionally served as a tidbit with tea.

Sean said he just peeled a bunch of hachiya persimmons and strung them up in his basement to dry. Over the course of a month, aided by an occasional massage, they shriveled and dried into these pleated, flattened orbs.

As hoshigaki ripen they develop a gentle white bloom of sugars on the surface. Don’t worry, it’s not mold.

Here’s the link for Sean recipe for hoshigaki on his Hedonia blog.

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