Horror Book-to-Movie Feature: “I Am Legend” by Richard Matheson

Posted on the 28 October 2012 by Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

Today we have guest blogger Chad (my super awesome husband) guest blogging today on one of his favorite horror short stories, I Am Legend. It’s always interesting to see what fans of books say about their movie translations because everyone has a different view. Here is a fan’s analysis:

I’ve always loved reading novels that are being turned into movies. I
love watching the movie and seeing what things they changed and what
try decided to keep the same. I love to discuss why they did what they
did and if it enhanced the movie or took away from the original story.

One of the book to movie adaptations I was most excited about in
recent memory was I Am Legend.

The book is truly a horror masterpiece. The idea of a post apocalyptic
world rules by vampires is a great setting for a book and movie. Add
the fact our main character believes himself to be the last remaining
human on the face of the planet and you add an amazing layer to an
already very complex story.

The book and movie have so many differences that its difficult at
times to recognize they share a title. They do both use the same
premise and similar story telling devices but after that they have
very little in common. Here’s where I differ from many fans of the
book…I actually like this. I love the idea of the story so much that
I love seeing to different, yet similar, takes on the same horrible