Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

Posted on the 18 October 2020 by Indianjagran

Oct 18, 2020 | 06:00:09 IST

See what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign

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Remember the Sex and the City episode in which Carrie sets up a meeting with Mr Big’s ex-wife Barbara? Cancer, just like her, you could be in the mood to get to know your enemy better. Here’s the thing, though: you’re different from them and there is no way to compare the two of you. Gemini, a Hermetic principle you want to remember now and for the rest of this journey: ‘As above, so below’. You’ve already visualised your victory in your mind’s eye—that perfect picture where it all comes together. What’s keeping you from trusting that the Universe is by your side? Taurus, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to work, life, and everything in-between. The cards want you to recognize all the ways in which you are being inauthentic with yourself. Doing something for the sake of pleasing those around you will bring you joy for now, but it will make you miserable in the long run.

Aries Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Aries--866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Aries" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

The glow on your face and the fluttering of butterflies in your stomach are telling us you have a secret, Aries, one that can at best be described as a beautiful stranger. You’ve been flirting with them for a while. What’s the next step? For the sake of your own sanity, don’t wait until Valentine’s Day to profess your love. Some of you could be feeling the feels for somebody in your social circle. So what if you have been friends for a while now? Allow your dynamic to evolve with time.

Cosmic tip: Don’t wait until Valentine’s Day to profess your love.

Taurus Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Taurus--866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Taurus" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to work, life, and everything in-between. The cards want you to recognize all the ways in which you are being inauthentic with yourself. Doing something for the sake of pleasing those around you will bring you joy for now, but it will make you miserable in the long run. Word for the wise: it’s time to get your priorities in order—a process that may require you to let go of the old way of life.

Cosmic tip: Get your priorities in order, Taurus.

Gemini Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Gemini--866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Gemini" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

A Hermetic principle you want to remember now and for the rest of this journey: ‘As above, so below’. You’ve already visualised your victory in your mind’s eye—that perfect picture where it all comes together. What’s keeping you from trusting that the Universe is by your side? Today, the cards are reminding you that the process of manifestation requires patience and persistence. So, continue to show up for your dreams as you look beyond the illusion created by your three dimensional reality. Letting go of your attachment to a specific outcome at this point will assist you greatly on this journey.

Cosmic tip: Don’t give up now!

Cancer Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Cancer-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Cancer" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

Remember the Sex and the City episode in which Carrie sets up a meeting with Mr Big’s ex-wife Barbara? Just like her, you could be in the mood to get to know your enemy better. Here’s the thing, though: you’re different from them and there is no way to compare the two of you. Besides, not everything you see and hear about them may necessarily be true. Word for the wise: Focus on strengthening your connection as you let go of that feeling of insecurity that’s been weighing you down for some time now.

Cosmic tip: Stalking your partner’s ex isn’t going to help your cause.

Leo Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Leo-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Leo" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

There’s always two ways to get what you want, Leo. While the former involves waging a war, the latter requires you to tap into your wit and charm. You have what it takes to turn this situation in your favour. So find a way to work with, rather than against the crew. Dealing with a difficult boss? Know that your tact will come in handy here too. 

Cosmic tip: Find a way to work with, rather than against the crew.

Virgo Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Virgo-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Virgo" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

You’re in the mood to spill some truth tea, and it’s piping hot. But here’s the thing about the truth: not everybody is in the space to receive it, Virgo, especially not those who are looking at the world through the lens of their judgements and biases. Word for the wise: resort to non-violent communication. Yes, there is a way to say what needs to be said here without hurling abuses or attacking the other person.

Cosmic tip: Be mindful of the manner in which you communicate.

Libra Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Libra-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Libra" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

You’ve had some brilliant ideas for a while now. However, you haven’t had the bandwidth to put these ideas into practice. The good news is, the new moon in your sign is inspiring all sorts of positive changes (and a massive clean-up), both on the personal and the creative front. Librans who’ve been together for a while could be thinking about commitment like never before. Remember to take the practical details into consideration as you plan for a lifetime of togetherness.

Cosmic tip: The new moon is inspiring all kinds of positive changes.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Scorpio-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Scorpio" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

Hello and welcome to retrograde season! A time when the past finds a way to reappear at our doorstep. Both friends and lovers from back in the day could be vying for your attention. Yes, there are a few genuine connections that need to be revisited. ‘The one who got away’ could surprise you too. Is this more than a fleeting moment of passion? Only time will tell, Scorpio.

Cosmic tip: ‘The one who got away’ could be in the mood to rekindle the romance.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sagittarius-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Sagittarius" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

Disillusioned by the material world, you may turn inwards in search of solace. Some things you swore by no longer make sense to you—and that’s okay. If something (or somebody) is not a vibrational match for you, it’s a good idea to walk away. Often, we shy away from taking the big step because we fear we will never be able to find what we have here. The truth is, letting go of the old and the redundant is the only way to make space for a positive change.

Cosmic tip: Let go with love.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Capricorn-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Capricorn" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

There’s a deep inner knowing within you, one that’s helping you recognize that things are not happening to you, they’re happening for you. You attracted certain experiences into your life in order to break past limiting patterns and step into your true power. There’s no going back from here, Capricorn. In the days to come, you will find yourself stripping away the false layers, turning the self-love up a notch, and becoming the most glorious version of yourself. Watch how the Universe aligns to help you create our best life!

Cosmic tip: You are becoming the most glorious version of yourself.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Aquarius-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Aquarius" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

Imposter syndrome is showing up strongly, Aquarius, and it’s urging you to have a real talk with your inner demons about what’s going on here. Remember, if you don’t believe in your own power and potential, nobody else will. The cards are also talking about that perfectly laid out plan. What’s keeping you from jumping into action mode? Could it be that the only person standing in your way is *you*?

Cosmic tip: It’s time to believe in your own power and potential.

Pisces Horoscope Today: October 18, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Pisces--866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Pisces" title="Horoscope today: October 18, 2020" />

We all have our vices, Pisces. But, how much is *too much*? When do we cross the line from indulgent to self-destructive? The cards are urging you to be mindful of the patterns you have been repeating. The toxic habits that are taking you down the metaphorical rabbit hole. It’s true that everything in your reality isn’t picture-perfect. However, unless you choose to live consciously, you will not be able to plant the seeds for positive change.

Cosmic tip: Watch your vices.

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