Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

Posted on the 20 December 2020 by Indianjagran

Dec 20, 2020 | 06:00:46 IST

See what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign

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We’re a part of a just and fair Universe, one that functions on the principle of cause and effect—and you’re about to witness this benevolence first hand, Capricorn. So, step back and allow the forces to intervene. You’ll find that those who have wronged you are being made to face the music. A big, big change is on the cards, Sagittarius. But, this comes as no surprise to you. You have been preparing for this new chapter with all of your heart and soul, and are fully prepared to take this leap of faith. Libra, you can continue to do what you have been for so long and your life will be perfectly fine—or you can take a great risk, invest in something close to your heart, and find a way to manage it alongside. There’s a pet project that’s calling for your attention. So, set some time aside to get your plan of action in order.

Aries Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Aries--866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Aries" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

Big manifestation energy surrounds you, Aries! You’ll find that things that you’ve been hoping and praying for are taking tangible form in your reality. A prayer of gratitude to both your soul crew and spirit team is in order. What’s more, you’ll find that the fruits of your labor are giving you that much-needed motivation to keep pursuing your goals. There is so much you want to create over the next year.

Cosmic tip: Big manifestation energy surrounds you.

Taurus Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Taurus--866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Taurus" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

Sunday finds you kissing not-so-coyly under the mistletoe. If you’ve been seeing each other for a while, this is the month to admit your true feelings towards each other. The thing about staying open is that it helps you attract all the right people and opportunities in your life, Taurus. What’s different this time around is that you’ve managed to strike a balance between the ‘me’ and the ‘we’. Yes, there is a way to love fully without losing your sense of identity—and your reality is proof.

Cosmic tip: There’s a real connection here.

Gemini Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Gemini--866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Gemini" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

Some may refer to what’s taking place right now as a coincidence. But, you’re too much of a romantic to not believe in magic. There’s a reason Kismet has brought the two of you together—this you know in your heart. So, explore the connection and see where it takes you. Who knows? The two of you could soon be ready to tie the knot.

Cosmic tip: When it’s right, you just know.

Cancer Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Cancer-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Cancer" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

It’s all about love and romance in the Cancer HQ. You know that they’re the one and you’re doing what you can to let them know. The thing about keeping your vibe high is that it makes space for all the right things to fall in place at the right time. For some of you, this may be a time of getting your families involved. There’s no reason they won’t like your beloved as much as you do. So, let optimism continue to be your preferred intoxicant.

Cosmic tip: When you know they’re the one, you know.

Leo Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Leo-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Leo" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

They’re saying all the right things at the right time. It’s official, Leo! You’ve been bitten by the love bug and you have no cure. Why not open your heart and let the love flow? The holiday season is known to ignite romance even in the hearts of skeptics. As such, this is a time of renewed passion on the career front too. You’re remembering why you embarked upon this journey, and recommitting to your goals with a brand new fervour.

Cosmic tip: Say yes to your very own holiday romance.

Virgo Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Virgo-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Virgo" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

If brute force helped us get what we want, then our lives would look very different, Virgo. Be warned: your aggression will be met with resistance. Your kindness, on the hand, will invoke a sense of compassion. The real question is: where will you choose to vibrate at? Will you find a way to work with those around you, or against them? PS: Consider learning the art of tactfulness.

Cosmic tip: Choose kindness over everything else.

Libra Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Libra-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Libra" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

You can continue to do what you have been for so long, and your life will be perfectly fine—or you can take a great risk, invest in something close to your heart, and find a way to manage it alongside. There’s a pet project that’s calling for your attention, Libra. So, set some time aside to get your plan of action in order. This way, you can begin to work on it in the coming year. Learning to prioritise is a skill that will serve you well.

Cosmic tip: There’s a pet project that’s calling for your attention.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Scorpio-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Scorpio" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

The wheel is turning, Scorpio, bringing forth opportunities that were unavailable to you before. Minimise the time you spend on the decision-making process and jump right in. ‘Carpe diem’ is a mantra that will serve you well. Pushing your creative boundaries is also going to be a big theme. You have been doing things in a certain way, and that’s worked for you well. Don’t let that become the reason you stagnate. The cosmic climate is holding space for you to grow in a brand new direction.

Cosmic tip: Carpe diem.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sagittarius-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Sagittarius" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

A big, big change is on the cards, Sagittarius. But, this comes as no surprise to you. You have been preparing for this new chapter with all of your heart and soul, and are fully prepared to take this leap of faith. There is a lot that you do not know about the road ahead. There is a lot that you need to figure out along the way. But, that doesn’t intimidate you one bit. You know that you are fully supported by the mysterious forces.

Cosmic tip: Take a leap of faith.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Capricorn-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Capricorn" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

We’re a part of a just and fair Universe, one that functions on the principle of cause and effect—and you’re about to witness this benevolence first hand, Capricorn. So, step back and allow the forces to intervene. You’ll find that those who have wronged you are being made to face the music. If there’s one thing this chapter of your life is teaching you, it’s the importance of keeping your record clear. Continue to act from a space of awareness and know that you will always be taken care of.

Cosmic tip: Act conscientiously.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Aquarius-866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Aquarius" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

Aquarius, you have innumerable gifts and talents. So many wonderful things to offer. What’s keeping you from shining your light fully? What’s keeping you from offering your many creations to the world? The cards are urging you take the cloak of invisibility off. Oh, the mountains you will move when you awaken your own power! You’re also being asked to exercise caution on the health front and remember the cliché, “Prevention is better than cure”. 

Cosmic tip: It’s time to shine your light upon the world.

Pisces Horoscope Today: December 20, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="http://indianjagran.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Pisces--866x487.jpg" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Pisces" title="Horoscope today: December 20, 2020" />

‘Health and wellness’ is a big theme in the Pisces HQ—and you’re in the mood to adopt slow living as a lifestyle. Consider growing your own vegetables in the new year, or giving your kitchen garden an update. Nothing spells paradise like waking up to the scents of rosemary and basil. Some of you may feel inspired to rethink what you’re putting on your plates as well. It’s a good idea to adopt an Ayurvedic diet (as per your dosha), that can help you achieve mind, body, and soul balance.

Cosmic tip: Slow living is a lifestyle.

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