Hope For America’s Youth – Ratio Christi

By Mmcgee

In the first part of this series about Hope For America’s Youth we presented the conflict – millions of young people are leaving churches during or after high school. In the second part of this series we shared the resolution – giving answers to questions about the hope we have as Christians through reasoning and persuasion.

There are many ministries doing wonderful work in this area of providing answers and reason to young people in high school and college. In this part of our series we will share about one of the best Christian organizations currently doing this vital work.

Ratio Christi Purpose

Ratio Christi Campus Apologetics Alliance is an international ministry dedicated to providing answers and reasons defending and explaining the Christian worldview. Ratio Christi’s college chapters – close to 170 of them on campuses – minister to college students. Their College Prep branch (RCCP) reaches out to high school students, while “Ratio Christi Prof” is for college professors. RC’s International branch has chapters in several countries answering questions and presenting evidence about Christianity. That’s a lot for a young ministry to take on, but demonstrates the urgency and importance of the mission.

Secular thought dominates many colleges and universities today. So many Christian college students abandon their faith when confronted with intellectual challenges to Christianity. They are often ridiculed because of their beliefs. The purpose of Ratio Christi is to bring together faith and reason, to establish the intellectual voice of Christ at the university level, and to bolster high school students with reasons for Christianity even before they reach the college campus.

Ratio Christi chapters do not compete with other Christian groups on campus. They focus solely on apologetics and can fill a vital niche on campus. Ratio Christi comes alongside other campus ministries to partner with them and serve them. Ratio Christi also partners with many other apologetics ministries to bring their speakers on campus for special events and debates. It really is a win-win-win for everyone involved in ministering to college students.

Ratio Christi History

Ratio Christi began at Appalachian State University in the spring of 2008 as the Reasonable Faith Apologetics Club. The idea started as a discussion between two ASU students about the need to address serious intellectual questions raised in the university about Christianity. The students formed a partnership with Southern Evangelical Seminary and the group became known as Ratio Christi ((Latin for Reason of Christ)) that summer. The number of chapters grew rapidly and Ratio Christi became an independent 501(c)(3) in February 2011.

I learned about Ratio Christi early in 2011 from friends with the Christian Apologetics Alliance and emailed Ratio Christi about becoming involved. My interest was to become a chapter director. The process included having an educational background in apologetics (Masters in Apologetics or Certificate in Apologetics from approved institutions). However, I quickly learned that involvement in Ratio Christi doesn’t end at being a chapter director.

There are so many ways to help. A great place to start is becoming a Ratio Christi Booster. Mentors are also needed to work with high school students, and chapter directors and volunteers are needed to work with college students and our exciting international division. Mission-minded people can even consider raising their own support to work with Ratio Christi full-time.

Ratio Christi is one of the best ways I know to help prepare high school and college students for defending the Christian worldview, and for reaching professors about Christianity. I hope you will take a look at Ratio Christi and ask God what involvement He would like you to have in reaching young people with the “hope” of the Gospel.

Reaching a Region

In the next part of our series about Hope For America’s Youth, we’ll take a look at how to reach a region of the country with the Gospel of hope.