Hoop Dreams.

By Zakialacey @zakialaceyblog

"She only like sports if she court side" -Pusha T

One of my readers sent this to me and asked me to please post it. I thought it was good for my blog because I have had my fair share of run ins with celebrities, and I am the 1st person to let ladies know that everything that glitters is NOT gold! Being a "jump-off" is so popular these days thanks to reality television, and I think that it is very important for young women to understand that choosing this lifestyle might be something that they regret later.
Anonymous reader writes:
Well let me just start by saying this....I am no longer impressed by athletes, or those in the public eye.  My mom taught me never to be impressed. I felt compelled to share a little of my story because time is something you can’t get back...And as I sit back and reflect on my 20’s I feel like I sold my self short in some ways. One night a friend from college and I decided to go out to a club, it was my birthday and I had done nothing all day, it was only right to end the night with a light celebration. We got to the club and it was a typical night, nothing special.  I was just there to chill and have a few drinks.  My friend leaves me for a minute and makes his way to the bar, so I dance a little and observe my surroundings...Just as I was noticing that there were no men that I could see from my vantage point, that were worth my attention, a stranger approaches me and says “My man wants you to come to his section.” I said, “Well, why is your man sending you to ask me?”  Long story short, the representative convinced me that it would be worth my while to come hang out with them since his “man” played ball.  I have to admit, that piqued my interest.  So I went over to the section.  They even allowed my friend to join us.  We had a good time.  The drinks were flowing, and at the end of the night, I exchanged numbers with Mr. NBA.

The next day, Mr. NBA invited me to lunch. We met downtown and enjoyed a meal and some nice conversation.  I learned a lot about his background in terms of the college for which he played and his route to his current team. At the end of the conversation, he said that he wanted to be honest with me about his status, and then he told me, “I am married, but separated.”  I took that with mixed emotions. Hey, we were just two strangers having lunch with the intent of possibly getting to know each other better.  I raised an eyebrow, but I was so caught up in the moment, and excited to meet someone of his caliber that I was willing to look past it.

Months were going by and we were still spending time together and talking regularly. By the third month of dealing with Mr. NBA, it was clear that he was not separated from his wife.  However, during the course of the time I was dealing with him, Mr. NBA has provided for me financially. Even in the off season, he made time to plan vacations for us. We’ve attended other sporting events together such as boxing matches in Vegas, and much more. 
You might be thinking, “Oh that’s why she stayed around, because he was providing for her.” However, that is not entirely the reason. I admit, it did keep me open to the arrangement, but I actually love this man as a friend.  I know I cannot be more than that and believe it or not that’s not what I was waiting for. When around things you’re not use to its easy to get caught up into the lifestyle. But I have always been one to believe in karma so the fact that I have been ruining my own was always in the back of my mind. I would always come up with stupid reasons to justify my actions, but I always knew what I was doing was wrong. The first step to solving a problem is recognizing there is one. So I would always tell myself “I’m done with him." Trust me it was a looooong process, but now I can officially say I have moved on with my life.
I have a child and am working towards owning my own business. We don’t see each other anymore, and I am content with that. I may receive a text here and there asking me how I’m doing, and I give a simple response, but other than that all I have are the memories.
Lessons Learned:  Keep your dignity and your faith.  Only believe what you see.  Don’t fall for what someone tells you. Know that every decision you make, you have to live with for the rest of your life, so make wise ones. Always follow your heart, and always learn from your mistakes.  In the end, I feel like I may have blocked some of my blessings because I continued this friendship with a married man.  All these years have gone by and what really do I have to show for it?  The question remains…WAS IT ALL WORTH IT?
-A loyal reader