Honoring Ourselves

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1
Photo credit: annapolis_rose on Visualhunt

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today after a busy week at work, writing, and running. I’m so close to the finish line with my story, and I’m excited about it. But enough about that. Today, I want to talk about Honoring Ourselves.

I know what you’re thinking. What does Honoring Ourselves mean? Is it self-care? Is it staying true to your path? The answer is yes, but there’s more to it than that.

Photo credit: marfis75 on VisualHunt.com

It means doing what is best for you in all situations. That’s why it’s different for everyone. It means taking responsibility for your physical and mental health. It means exercising and maintaining a healthy weight.

It means developing relationships that are good for you. It means educating yourself, so you don’t get into toxic situations. For example, let’s say someone in your family is toxic to you. They treat you poorly by creating conflict and drama. They only do this to you. A healthy person will do what’s best for them and remove themselves from the drama. This is an example of taking care of your mental health and honoring your own needs even if it goes against the grain for the rest of the family. This is called Honoring Ourselves.

Photo credit: alpha_photo on VisualHunt.com

It’s saying no when someone asks too much of you. Whether it’s your spouse, your child, or your parent. It’s being strong enough to not give in to manipulation by tears or guilt.

It’s important to honor our own needs. Our children need to see us do this for ourselves, so they know it’s okay for them to do it for themselves. It’s like a domino effect.

Photo credit: sanmateocountyphotos on VisualHunt.com

Another aspect of Honoring Ourselves is building a community of friends we can go to for support. Let’s face it life is hard and many times unfair, but if you have friends who can rally around you when the going gets tough, you’ll being Honoring Yourself and them.

One last aspect of Honoring Yourself is standing up for yourself, even though you’re scared. It means listening to your intuition and honoring it. Every time I ignored my intuition, I regretted it. Every time I’ve followed it, even when I didn’t understand why, I’ve been more than happy with the results.

Photo credit: Ankher on Visualhunt.com

To sum this all up. Here are the steps to Honoring Ourselves.

  1. Taking care of our physical and mental health
  2. Setting healthy boundaries based on our own needs.
  3. Creating a community of friends for support, where you give and take. These are equitable relationships.
  4. Listening to your intuition.

When I put it in a list like this it sounds easy, but it’s not. It takes work. But you can do it!

Thanks for reading my post today. I appreciate it. Is there more to add to my list? Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!