Honoring God With Our Gifts

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

The Lord designed me like no other and it was no mistake. He understands me when others don’t just like he does all of the other individuals he crafted and brought into existence.

All we have to do is go to him with any concern and talk with him. Seek his leading, guidance and achieve to stay in his word to always gain and maintain further understanding and deep faith.

He is there to love, protect and teach us his will and provide a wonderful eternal future for all who believe and except Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.

We don’t have to answer to anyone but God he knows everything about us- not what others lie on us about, falsely perceive about us or misinterpret about us. He knows the complete truth about us to the core.

He knows us better than we know ourselves.

God knows our hearts, intentions and entire makeup. After all, he formatted and assembled us together from the beginning before we even came into being.

God has given me quite a few unique gifts I’ve recognized since childhood, and all through out my life. Many incredible accounts of events I can give honest testimony to.

God made all of us differently, none of us are exactly the same (no one can duplicate or replace you, you are one of all his prized possessions).

God intentionally designed each of us individuals for a reason.

As he created us all uniquely, he gave to us certain natural abilities, talents and gifts.

God gave us the precise talents and gifts that he viewed suitable for us as he had a specific plan for us to carry out using the gifts that he incorporated within us.

Through our distinct God-given faculties, we can tremendously reach other people in such a diverse number of ways and direct them toward our heavenly father.

What are your talents, abilities and gifts, and how is God inspiring you to use them?

Our Lord doesn’t want us to compare ourselves to anyone else or to try to measure up to anyone else. He just wants us to be sincere and work with what he enabled within us and shine that light on behalf of him in honor of him.

Without the Lord operating through us we wouldn’t be capable of doing anything.

God will be there the entire time helping and encouraging us to continue in the race.