Honor Clissold - International Podium Place and off to a Great Start This Season!

By Surfcat

We thought we'd just post this update about the diminutive but talented, and extremely fast, Honor Clissold.

Now aged 14, Honor went to Andorra as part of the GB children's squad to compete in the international Trofeu Borrufa children's competition. There were twenty nations competing; she won silver medals in Giant Slalom, Super G and Super combined. To get podium places at international level is a tremendous achievement!

She then went on to the British Schoolgirls Races in Flaine, France, with her school team, Richmond school in North Yorkshire. She won the giant slalom and was Overall Champion in her age group and the school team was fourth out of 39 schools and 52 teams competing.
She has now gone to St Johann with Team Evolution to train slalom prior to the English Championships in Bormio at half term.

It's a fantastic start for this talented racer and we'll be keeping a keen eye on how she does for the next couple of months - well done Honi and good luck for the English Champs!