Honeydew Sago 蜜瓜西米露

By Cosybites @cosybites

The weather is getting unbearably hot in Dubai. It was 38°C today and at this rate, it will hit 40s very soon. It seems summer is here earlier than it should be.

This is the time something cold and refreshing is always welcomed. A nice, chilled dessert like honeydew sago. Perfect for hot days.

Here’s the recipe for honeydew sago, adapted from here. Enjoy!

Serves 4


  • 80 gram sago
  • 1 honeydew (approximately 2 kg)
  • 150 ml low fat milk
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 60 gram rock sugar (to taste)
  • 400 ml water


  1. Soak sago in hot water for around 30 minutes.
  2. Drain the soaked sago and place sago in a pot of boiling water, cooking and stirring at the same time, until the sago becomes almost transparent, about 10 minutes.

Sago – almost transparent, with white dot in center

  • Remove from heat, cover the pot with lid and leave for 10 to 15 minutes, until sago becomes completely transparent.

    Sago – completely transparent

  • Rinse cooked sago with ice water through a fine sieve.

    Rinse sago with ice water to remove excess starch

  • Cut the honeydew open and separate into three layers.

    Top and bottom – blend
    Center – cut into cubes

  • Put the innermost (sweetest) layer and outer (closest to skin) layer into a food processor. Blend until smooth.
  • Cut the center layer into cubes.
  • Add milk, coconut milk, rock sugar and water in a pot. Bring to boil, make sure that rock sugar is completely dissolved and remove from heat. Leave to cool.
  • Stir blended honeydew and sago into the cooled coconut mixture and leave it in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Serve chilled with the cubed honeydew.