Honey Wheat Pretzels and Spiced Cream Cheese Dip

By Monetm1218 @monetmoutrie
Since I've started this blog, I've met an inspiring group of cooks and bakers. People who happily turn down a "night out" so that instead they can pull every pot out of their cabinets, dirty their bowls and savor the simple pleasure of both eating and preparing their own meals.
I've also met novice bakers. People who like the idea of making their own cakes from scratch but aren't yet sold on the additional labor. People who try a recipe or two from the blog and realize that baking can be like therapy (but a lot less expensive and with chocolate too).
Yet I still get most excited when I see people I know well (my family, close friends) make cookies or a loaf of bread or a cake from Anecdotes and Apple Cores. Sometimes, they'll send me a picture or write me a quick note.
Even better? When my husband decides he's found a recipe he wants us to enjoy again.
For the past week, Ryan baked pretzels.
Soft, doughy pretzels that make our house smell like the best bakery in Chestnut Hill, PA.
I would come home after a long day of work and classes to find my counter tops covered with pretzels (in their various stages of development). Bowls of dough, cookie sheets of rising twists, bags of flour.
Try this one, he'd offer.
Now this one.
Ryan is on a quest to make the perfect pretzel, which means many batches with different types of flour, fat, and rising times.  He is a baker after my own heart.
I've made these Honey Wheat Pretzels before, and it is a great recipe. Simple, wholesome and fun to make and enjoy.
For most people, mustard is the condiment of choice when pretzels are served. But since we dusted one batch of Honey Wheat Pretzels with cinnamon sugar, I knew I needed to come up with an alternative.
This Spiced Cream Cheese Dip is perfect. Not only is it good with pretzels, but it would be great spread over sugar cookies or on a spiced cake.
Spiced Cream Cheese Dip
1 package cream cheese (softened)
1 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1. Cream the sugar, cinnamon and cream cheese until light and fluffy (about 3 minutes).
Anecdotes and Apple Cores